Monday, September 30, 2019
Acute Care: Care Implementation and Evaluation.
Acute Care: Care Implementation and Evaluation. This assignment will be based around the care that is implemented and evaluated, within a National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust (FT). The focus of the assignment will be to discuss two health problems that a selected patient has and has been admitted to the FT with. The selected patient had been admitted into FT with breathing difficulties and also suffering from dehydration. The assignment will focus upon the goals that are set for the patient whilst in FT and the reasons why the goals are set. The patho-physiology of the two problems will also be discussed and also the care that had been implemented to achieve the goals. Throughout the assignment, the patient will be known as Terry with the permission from the patients parents, according to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2008) confidentiality guidelines. The assignment will also aim to discuss the role of the Health Care Professional (HCP) in planning appropriate care for the patient, in particular, using the assessment technique of goal setting by using Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Set (S. M. A. R. T) target planning technique (Roper et al, 1996). The reasons for planning care can involve the HCP assisting in preventing potential health problems, for example, breathing difficulties for the patient becoming worse and to also assist in solving problems where possible. Care planning can also assist in alleviating possible health problems that cannot be solved by HCP’ s and so will need the assistance of Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) , for example, consultant, physiotherapists to further improve an develop the care plan. Terry is a 42 year old single man, who lives with his parents, and has suffered from a number of illnesses throughout his life, for example, optical glyoma, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), epilepsy, and also learning difficulties. Terry has difficulty with breathing, and this appears to have been caused by respiratory rhythmicity centre in the medulla and the pons (areas of the brain which can control breathing) and these appeared to not be working in the correct way (MacKenzie, 1996; Waugh et al 2006). Terry’s reduced neurological status was due to trauma that had been suffered in the motor pathways, and the peripheral nerves, in the brain (Iggulden, 2006). Terry was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), within the NHS FT, suffering from numerous problems that were mainly neurological. Terry's admission to ICU was due to the increased breathing difficulties that he was experiencing. Due to the breathing difficulties, the nursing team, and Terry's consultant, agreed that it would be best for Terry to have a percutaneous tracheostomy inserted. Due to Terry suffering from a probable cerebellar lesion, severe learning difficulties and poor communication skills; it did appear that Terry could not understand what the nursing team were informing him of, the medication that he needed and the care that was being delivered (NMC, 2008). Due to the fact that Terry appeared not to be able to understand or communicate with the nursing team, and that his parents and family members were with him, the nursing team, and myself, ensured that the parents, and family members, were informed of what was happening regarding the care that had given to Terry. The fact that Terry could not understand the instructions given to him, due to learning difficulties, consent to insert a percutaneous tracheostomy had to be given from Terry’s parents, to the Consultant (NMC, 2008). The tracheostomy that had been inserted into Terry helped the nursing team in the ICU and on the ward, to oxygenate Terry to the optimum level of 98%. The tracheostomy, also ensured that Terry was able to maintain a breathing rate of between 35 and 50 breathes per minute (Bailey, 2008). Although Terry was able to maintain a respiration rate, the normal respiration rate for an adult is normally between 14 and 18 breathes per minute (Bailey, 2008). The nursing care that had been implemented included ensuring that oxygen was flowing through the tracheostomy and this ensured that Terry had enough oxygen in his body for his heart and lungs to function, and that the heart pumped the oxygenated blood around the body (Machin et al 1996; Roper et al, 1996; Bailey et al 2008). Due to Terry’s respiration centre not working properly, and suffering from breathing problems, this meant that gaseous exchange was impaired, and led to a risk of respiratory acidosis. Gaseous exchange is where the oxygen goes into the alveoli capillaries, and the carbon dioxide is moved out of these capillaries (Bailey, 2008). The respiration centre is made up of a group of nerve cells, which are in the reticular endothelial system of the medulla oblongata. These cells send impulses to the motor neurones, via the spinal cord, and are then sent to the intercostal muscles (Bailey, 2008). The trauma that Terry had suffered with, was a possible cerebella lesion when he was a child. When Terry was admitted, his oxygen level was 82% (Bailey, 2008). The goal for this problem was to keep Terry's respiration and oxygenation at a level that was suitable. A suitable level of respiration for an adult is between 14 and 18 breaths per minute, and an oxygen level of around 97 to 98% (Bailey, 2008). The patho-physiology of breathing difficulties includes a lack of oxygen to the tissues of the body, including the brain, and even death (MacKenzie, 1996; Waugh et al 2006). Due to Terry haiving an oxygen saturation level of 82%, we set the goal that we would aim for and set this goal with his parents. The goal that the nurses had set with Terry's parents, due to the fact that Terry had learning difficulties and could not set the goal with the nurses. The goal was set as the nurses aimed to have his oxygen saturation level between 95% and 98% within two hours. The goal had to fit in with the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Set (S. M. A. R. T) target planning technique (Roper et al, 1996; Faulkner, 2000). Terry's sitting and lying position had to be carefully planned around him, this ensured that we as a nursing team where able to ensure that his lungs would expand to their optimum and to maintain a satisfactory oxygen saturation levels within his body (Roper et al 1996; Machin et al 1996; Hackman, 2008). The normal oxygen saturation level is between 95% and 98% (Woodrow, 1999). The fact that Terry had an oxygen saturation level of just 82%, the Consultant had to prescribe oxygen for Terry. The oxygen that had been prescribed for Terry, had been increased from 24% to 40% (NMC, 2002). The consultant advised us to ensure that the oxygen was to be humidified. Due to Terry having the tracheostomy, we were able to deliver the oxygen with the use of a tracheostomy mask and what is called a T-piece circuit (Machin et al 1996; Dolan, 2008; Soady, 2008). The consultant also advised the nursing team to ensure that neurological observation's were undertaken, especially the oxygen saturation levels, every 15 minutes until Terry's oxygen saturation levels had risen to 96% (Machin et al 1996; Dolan, 2008; Soady, 2008) The neurological observations with regards to the goal, meant that the nurses were able to deliver oxygen, which would enable the oxygen saturation level to be maintained (Machin et al 1996; Dolan, 2008; Soady, 2008). Once the nursing team had ensured that the oxygen had been delivered to Terry at 40% and was humidified, they then ensured that 15 minute observations were maintained. The Consultant had to ensure that the 40% oxygen that he had verbally prescribed, was documented and written clearly in Terry's medical notes and on his prescription sheet (NMC, 2002; NMC, 2004). The fact that Terry had been prescribed the higher rate of oxygen, this needed to be clearly documented within Terry’s nursing notes (NMC, 2004). The documentation was needed, so that the other nurses were aware of the change. Although the observations had been maintained every 15 minutes, with regards to Terry's oxygen saturation levels, this ensured that the nursing team maintained Terry's neurological observation's (Machin et al 1996; Dolan, 2008; Soady, 2008). The goal that had been set by the nursing team and Terry's parent's, for his oxygenation levels did fit into the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Set (S. M. A. R. T) target planning technique. The goal was specific, measurable and realistic for Terry and the nursing team caring for him, as well as being achievable in the time frame that had been set by Terry's Consultant (Faulkner, 2000). Due to the fact that the nursing team had achieved this goal for Terry, proved that the nursing care and interventions made by the nursing team, were effective. The nursing care and interventions were effective enough, for this goal to have been met (Roper et al 1996). The goal that had been set for Terry with regards to his oxygen saturation level, had to be documented. The goal had to be documented within the nursing notes, which the nursing team had to document clearly. The nursing team were able to hand over the information about Terry, to the nursing staff that would have been caring for him on the next shift. (NMC, 2004) The second of Terry's problem's is that he was at risk of dehydration, this was due to the fact that Terry could not swallow as he had a reduced neurological status. The fact that Terry could not swallow was due to the motor area of cerebral cortex of his brain, did not work in the way that it should (Waugh et al 2006). The motor area of the cerebral cortex of Terry's brain, was damaged due to the increase in epileptic seizures. Dehydration can cause the cells to deplete, due to not having enough fluids for them to replenish. The cells replenish in the sense that the fluids help the cells to regenerate, regulate the body temperature, to dilute the waste products within the body, and to maintain the level of fluids within the tissue fluid and blood (Waugh et al 2006). The patho-physiology of dehydration includes thirst, the mouth being dry, the tongue would look leathery, and fluid from within the tissues and skin would be withdrawn (Roper et al 1996; Brown, 1997; Day, 1997). Due to Terry not being able to drink fluids, he was not able to regulate his own body temperature, nor was his body able to dilute the poisonous substances in his body (Waugh et al 2006). Due to fluid being withdrawn from the body, this would mean that the body would not be able to maintain its own volume in blood (Roper et al 1996). The patho-physiology of not having enough fluids also includes the kidneys would excrete less than they normally would; a person would be lethargic; the skin would lose its elasticity and would appear to be more wrinkled (Roper et al 1996; Brown, 1997; Day, 1997). If Terry had been suffering from dehydration, his would have looked sunken and his urine output would be reduced as well as being more concentrated. If Terry had been suffering from a severe case of dehydration, his blood volume would be reduced. If the blood volume was to cause a circulation deficiency, this would cause his kidneys to fail to excrete the waste products that they normally excrete (Roper et al 1996; Brown, 1997; Day, 1997). Due to Terry not drinking the recommended two litres of fluids per day, we had to set a goal. The goal that had to be set, had to be set with Terry's parents (Roper et al 1996). The goal for the second problem, was to prevent dehydration during Terry's stay in hospital, through ensuring that Intravenous Saline was delivered through venous access (Dougherty et al 2008). The Intravenous Saline had to be delivered through venous access, due to the fact that this was the most effective way in which to infuse fluids. The fluids had to be infused over a period of 24 hours, due to the volume of the fluids. The Consultant prescribed two litres of Intravenous Saline, and the nursing team ensured that it was delivered (NMC, 2002; NMC, 2004; Dougherty et al 2008). Due to the fact that the fluids needed to be infused, the nursing team ensured that the fluids were delivered through the venous access, by using an infusion pump. The pump that was used by the nursing team, was the volumetric pump. The volumetric pumps allow health care professionals to administer large amounts of infusions, and this is why were used this type of pump to deliver the fluids that Terry needed over a 24 hour period (Sarpal, 2008). Due to the fact that the nursing team were delivering Intravenous Saline to Terry, it was important that this was documented by the nursing team within his nursing notes. The fact that this was documented in Terry's notes, ensured that the information was handed over to the nursing team on the next shift (NMC, 2004). It was important hat a fluid balance chart was also documented, as this would help the nursing team to ensure that the amount of input from fluids, was similar to Terry's urine output. The fact that the nursing team were able to monitor Terry's fluid input and output, ensured that his body was not retaining any of those fluids within a 24 hour period (Hunt et al 2008). The goal for dehydrat ion by providing two litres of Intravenous Saline over a 24 hour period, did fit into the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Set (S. M. A. R. T) target planning technique. This was due to the fact that the goal was specific, measurable and time set. The goal was achievable and realistic, but only while Terry's venous access was as good as it was. When Terry's venous access for the Intravenous Saline to be delivered was poor, this meant that the nursing team had to find another route to deliver these fluids. The nursing team had to re-set the goal for delivering the Intravenous Saline. (Faulkner, 2000) Due to the fact that the nursing team could not deliver the Intravenous Saline through the venous route, had to be documented. The nursing team had to document the fact that Terry had poor venous access, and that they had asked his Consultant to review Terry (NMC, 2004). When Terry's Consultant had been to review him, the Consultant advised the nursing team to deliver the Saline through Terry's PEG tube. Terry's Consultant had to document the fact, that he had advised the nursing team to deliver the Saline through Terry's PEG tube. The Consultant also had to document that his advice was due to Terry's poor venous access in Terry's medical notes, and he had to document this on the prescription chart (NMC, 2004). Due to Terry having a Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG), the nursing team and Terry's parents re-set the goal to deliver the fluids that Terry needed (Faulkner, 2000). The new goal that had been set, was to deliver one litre of Intravenous Saline through Terry's PEG tube. The litre of Saline was delivered to Terry through his PEG tube, over an 8 hour period rather than a 24 hour period. Even though the nursing team had to deliver the fluids through the PEG tube, they had to ensure that the goal did fit into the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Set (S. M. A. R. T. ) target planning technique. This goal was specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time set for Terry and the nursing team (Faulkner, 2000). Before the nursing team could deliver the Saline through Terry's Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy, the Saline had to be prescribed by his Consultant. The Consultant had to document the Saline on Terry's prescription chart, and also had to document the route that the nursing team were to deliver the Saline (NMC, 2004). The Saline that had been prescribed by Terry's Consultant, also had to document in Terry's medical notes, that he had prescribed this and also document the route that he had advised to the nursing team (NMC, 2002; NMC, 2004). When the nursing staff had commenced the delivery of the Saline through the Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tube, they themselves had to document this. The nursing team had to document the Saline running through the PEG tube, to enable the nursing notes for Terry to be up-to-date. The nursing team to document the amount of Saline that was to run through Terry's PEG tube, and what time the Saline infusion began. The nursing team also had to document how much of the Saline was to be infused in any one hour, when the Saline was due to finish, as well as document the lot number and expiry date that were on the bag of Saline. NMC, 2002; NMC, 2004) The documentation of the infusion of the Saline running through Terry's Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tube, ensured that the nursing team could hand over the information to the nursing team that were due to care for Terry on the next shift (NMC, 2004). The goal that had been re-set by the nursing team, and Terry's parents, fitted in with the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Set (S. M. A. R. T. ) target planning technique (Faulkner, 2000). The fact that the goal had to be re-set, ensured that the nursing team had been able to deliver the Saline through the Percutaneous Endoscopic Grastrostomy (PEG) tube. The goal to deliver the Saline through the PEG tube, had been specific, measurable, realistic and time set for Terry and the nursing team. This goal had been achieved, due to the fact that the care that the nursing team had been able to deliver the Saline in the time that they had set with Terry's parents (Faulkner, 2000). Due to the goal being achieved in the time frame that had been set by the nursing team, and Terry's parents, meant that the nursing team had been able to deliver the care that had been needed to achieve this goal (Faulkner, 2000). I am now at the point in this assignment when I can reflect. For my reflection, I will be using the Gibb's Reflective Cycle to reflect upon this assignment, which is documented within his book that was published in 1988 and entitled Learning by Doing: A Guide To Teaching and Learning Methods (Gibb's, 1998). Due to the fact that Terry ad a number of health problems, I had a hard task of choosing which two that I would use. I did have to think long and hard about which two health problems that I would use, but I was given permission from his parents to enable me to write this assignment (NMC, 2008). The two health problems that I had chosen, were breathing difficulties and dehydration. Due to the breathing difficulties that Terry suffered with, meant that his oxygen saturation levels were low. Due to Terry's breathing difficulties, this is why the nursing team, and his Consultant, had to gain consent from Terry's parents, to insert a percutaneous tracheostomy. The fact that the tracheostomy was inserted soon after Terry's admission, enabled the nursing staff within the ITU and the ward of the NHS FT, to ensure that Terry's oxygen saturation levels were maintained. Therefore, this is the reason why a goal was set. Due to a goal being set for Terry's oxygen saturation levels to be maintained, provides evidence to show that the nursing interventions were effective. The effectiveness of these nursing interventions, proves that goals that are set for an individual patient can also be met. The second goal that had been set for Terry by the nursing team, and his parents, had fitted in with the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Set (S. M. A. R. T. ) target planning technique. Due to the fact that this goal was only partially met, did not necessarily mean that the care that had been delivered to Terry, had been ineffective. The care that had been delivered to Terry had been effective, but the goal could no longer be achieved through the venous route, due to the fact that Terry's venous access was poor. Due to Terry's poor venous access, this is why the nursing team had to re-set the goal with his parents. The goal that had to be re-set, fitted in with the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Set (S. M. A. R. T. ) target planning technique. The goal had been re-set, and had also been achieved in the time frame that had been set with Terry's parents. The goal that had been re-set, had been achieved in the time frame that had been set. The goal had been achieved due to the fact that, the nursing team were able to deliver the Intravenous Saline through the Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) that Terry had in place. The fact that the nursing team could not achieve this goal when it had first been set, was not an issue that could have been anticipated. Even though nursing teams can not anticipate why the goals are not met, they can re-set the goal and in time, meet the new goal. Therefore, the nursing care and interventions that are delivered, do make nursing care effective. Documentation of all care from the nursing team was important, due to the fact that the nursing team on one shift, were able to inform the nursing team of the next shift. Documentation also ensures that if the nursing team were unsure of any test results, that they were able to look over the nursing notes to ensure they knew where we were up to with the patient. The Consultants documentation in the patients medical notes, ensured that other doctors or Consultants were also aware of the patients condition and any tests that may have been ordered. Bibliography. Bailey, M. , Crossen, S. , Holland, J. , & Hollis, V. (2008) Observation's in Dougherty, L & Lister, S. (eds) The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. 7th ed. Chapter 25, Pages 496-544. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Brown, A. (1997) Caring for the Patient Undergoing Surgery in Walsh, M. (ed) (1997) Watson's Clinical Nursing and Related Sciences. 5th ed. Chapter 10, Pages 232-259. Edinburgh, Bailliere Tindall. Day, S. (1997) Caring for the Patient with a Nutritional Disorder in Walsh, M. (ed) (1997) Watson's Clinical Nursing and Related Sciences. 5th ed. Chapter 16, Pages 552-570. Edinburgh, Bailliere Tindall. Dolan, S. (2008) Respiratory Therapy in Dougherty, L & Lister, S. (eds) The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. 7th ed. Chapter 38, Pages 749-765. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Dougherty, L. , Farley, A. , Hopwood, L. & Sarpal, N. (2008) Drug Administration: General Principles in Dougherty, L & Lister, S. (eds) The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. 7th ed. Chapter 11, Pages 202-251. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Faulkner, A. (2000) Nursing: The Reflective Approach to Adult Nursing Practice. 2nd ed. Gloucestershire: Stanley Thornes Publishers Limited. Gibb's, G (1988) Learning by Doing: A Guide To Teaching and Learning Methods. Oxford: Further Education Unit, Oxford Polytechnic. Hackman, D. 2008) Positioning in Dougherty, L & Lister, S. (eds) The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. 7th ed. Chapter 34, Pages 668-689. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Hunt, P. , Kelynack, J. & Stevens, A. M. (2008) The Unconscious Patient in Dougherty, L & Lister, S. (eds) The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. 7th ed. Chapter 44, Pages 849-853. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Iggulden, H. (2006) Care Of The Neurological Patient. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Limited. Local NHS Trust (2004) NHS Trust – Recommended Protocol for Care of the Patient with a PEG. Liverpool: Local NHS Trust. Machin, J. , Rhys-Evans, F. (1996) Tracheostomy Care and Laryngectomy Voice Rehabilitation in Mallet, J. , Bailey, C. (eds) (1996) The Royal Marsden NHS Trust – Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. Chapter 41, Pages 550-565. London: Blackwell Science Limited. MacKenzie, E. (1996) Respiratory Therapy in Mallet, J. , Bailey, C. (eds) (1996) The Royal Marsden NHS Trust – Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. Chapter 35, Pages 474-480. London: Blackwell Science Limited. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2002) Guidelines for the Administration of Medicines. London: NMC. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2004) Guidelines for Records and Record Keeping. London: NMC. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) The Code – Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. Roper, N. , Logan, W. W. , Tierney, A. J. (1996) The Elements of Nursing. 4th ed. America: Churchill Livingstone. Sarpal, N. (2008) Drug Administration: Delivery (Infusion Devices) in Dougherty, L & Lister, S. (eds) The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. 7th ed. Chapter 13, Pages 290-309. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Soady, C. (2008) Tracheostomy Care and Laryngectomy Care in Dougherty, L & Lister, S. (eds) The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. 7th ed. Chapter 42, Pages 809-829. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Waugh, A. , Grant, A. (2006) Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness. 10th ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone. Woodrow, P. (1999) Pulse Oximetry. Nursing Standard. Volume 13, Number 42. Pages 42-46. Woodrow, P. (2006) Intensive Care Nursing – A Framework for Practice. 2nd ed. Oxon: Rouledge.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Comparing Eastern and Western Religions Essay
During a time when no vehicles existed or any type of technology, there was religion. This was part of the pre-modern times. Depending upon what part of the world you are from depends on what type of religion you are likely to encounter. This also determines the likelihood of what religion you may have grown up with. Your religion and your background helps in determining what values you may have. These believe and values vary in different religions. Some may learn some parts of these religions from movies or hearsay. Sometimes as we get older it is hard to determine what we believe as we do. Before 500 BC there were three western religions. They started very similar in the pre-modern times. When you look into the religion of Islam, the studies not only consist of the Qur’an but also the Bible. There are similarities as well as differences amongst these two religions. Many with the Muslims community that have converted from a Christian background before turning to Islam as thei r spiritual guidance. There are many comparisons as well as differences amongst these two religions. Judaism, one of the western religions compares closely with the religions of Christianity and Islam. The bible is used in the religious studies although preferred in the original Hebrew text. Amongst these three western religions come relationships that will have learners referring to one or the other through contrast and comparison. Understanding the source of information from God allows for teachings to continue. These three religions also preside with the majority percentage in North America with the largest and second largest of the religions within these three. In time before there were hospitals, there was a son born to a virgin Mother Mary. In this birth the son of our father was born. God had his only begotten son Jesus Christ. Within the Christian community he was a messenger that delivered the messages of God. He was God reincarnated. Jesus although with different roles within the western religions all has him in common. As a Muslim, no virgin would be able to give birth to. Jesus does exist within the Islam religion and born from the Virgin Mary but as one of the prophets sent from Allah. Although from God his messages were misconstrued and corrupted Later in years when the Jewish had their own religion, they saw Jesus as a normal person in a normal birth. Although there are some differences, the main similarity between these three is that Jesus existed and was a very important part of the religious community. Looking at one of the Eastern religions, we can look at what we believe as our self. In Hinduism, one can achieve Moksha by doing good and having eternal life. Nothing we go through in this lifetime is really important. Once we truly realize this, then we are no longer subject to Karma. The law of Karma says all actions produce future experiences, good or bad. Karma plays an important role in all the life we live as a Hindu. The more bad that is done determines the sufferings one will go through and the reincarnations to determine the amount we have. There are many different Gods for different purposes. These different ones are sub-gods but there is one Brahma through their different belief stages. This is the supreme of all Gods. Hinduism is a way of life and in a sense, no one person is beyond it. They have many different sy mbols of God. Once people notice the symbol, there is no need to point it out. Sacred rituals happen and the Ganges River is vital part of this. In Taoism, the religion believes that reality has a natural order just as there was a natural order with nature and the less you do to change that order then the better off you will be. With Taoists, the practice of Wu-Wei is evident. It is the rule that states to act without action, and being non-aggressive is the right way to live. D-fens thought he was doing the right thing by making all of these people pay for what they’ve done, but in actuality, it wasn’t his right to judge. When civilization at first became, the world was focused on God. The pre-modern times also has a focus on church, community and leadership. The traditional values in humanity are essential in the reasoning of the religion as well as the scriptures. Alternatively, the modern era moved away from religion and scripture. Instead of God bringing reformation, mankind was. Logic was used to explain events; science replaced religion. Moreover, both science and religion were gone during the post-modern period. God was â€Å"dead†and science could not explain reality any longer. In order to restore human nature and religion back to its original purity, Muslims, along with Christians and Jews, believe that God and the messiah need to be restored. With eastern religions, the times have shown one with reality. Being one divine nature of God has always been the way. Whereas within the western religion we have have always been two kinds of reality. The individual has been separated in creation and each other person in the eastern religion. This has to do with life and death and the aftermath. In the western religion one has remained the same throughout eternity. With the western religions in life and death, you only live and die once while the eastern religions there is reincarnation. In western religions, the priest, Pope and so forth relay the words of God while the sources of enlightenment are within each individual person. They must also follow the ways and laws of God while the eastern follow dharma. References Comparison of Islam, Judaism and Christianity . (n.d.). Retrieved March 9, 2012, from Esposito, J. L., Fasching, D. J., & Lewis, T. (2009). World Religions Today. New York: Oxford University Press. Jewish Wedding Tradition. (2009). Retrieved March 10, 2012, from Korn, R. E. (2011, March 29). Retrieved March 9, 2012, from
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Analyze and research 2 original works of art Paper
Analyze and 2 original works of art - Research Paper Example However, there are exemptions and contradictions to the said expression of belief in art. An example of this can be exemplified through the marble statue of the Old Woman. At the present, both are located in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. These two pieces, when studied closely, have seemingly diverse themes in artistic approach. Both have also left numerous mysteries and secrets with questions and answers waiting to be revealed – revelations of stories each once told. In this light, this paper will focus on the mentioned classical marble monuments that exhibit extensive pieces of evidence about the classical period. It will describe each of the respective piece’s physical characteristics and figures. Then, an analysis of artistic style based on the classical techniques will be given. Thereafter, both will be compared based on the individual analysis conducted. The mentioned statues will also be historicized based on the prevailing themes they possessed. Such historical study will explain the type of society and political atmosphere where these statues were conceptualized. In the physical and technical attributes of the marble statue Hermes, it can be said that the piece is a close life size depiction of Greek god Hermes, the messenger to Zeus. It stands at 71 1/4 x 29 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches. The statue’s left hand, nose, and tips of some fingers have been duly restored in its present museum condition. Its artist, Polykleitos, displays Hermes with a graceful stance. One can begin to imagine how the sculpture came about. In the viewer’s plain sight, it was as if Hermes was present and posing for the artist. Polykleitos depicts Hermes’ stance using contrapposto, meaning â€Å"counter poise.†This particular stance applies all of the subject’s weight shifting to his left leg, with his right leg slightly bent ahead of the other. He stands tall, with might, shoulders back and head tilt forward. This pose causes the figur e’s hips and shoulders to rest at opposite angels and gives it a slight and almost unnoticeable s-curve to the torso. The statue’s head is tilted forward, as if he gazes down upon something and with his left arm, reaching out for something. Such particular pose implies the notion of the god giving a hand out to travelers, as if to assist them in a safe and easy journey as many Greeks would do when they called out and made sacrifices to Hermes before any trips were conducted.2 The statue’s chitin is held at his left shoulder, draped off the body with remainder of the material gathered in the left arm. The marble statue of Hermes is of many similar Greek originals and Roman copies, as they constantly display desired physical beauty and idealism in lieu of concrete beauty and realism. It is from this technical characterization that the style where Hermes was based can be deduced. From what was mentioned earlier, the classical Greek art can be attributed to the them es of naturalism and idealism. The technique of naturalism is evident within Hermes through the very image of the Greek god where the male figure exhibits nudity. Nudity, in a classical and artistic sense, can be seen as being one with the natural world. The utter simplicity in physical attributes can be shown through the sole use of a piece of clothing draped upon one’s shoulder. This natural attachment to the world is the core
Friday, September 27, 2019
Government in Canada should continue to fund and support supervised Research Paper
Government in Canada should continue to fund and support supervised drug-injection sites - Research Paper Example Public has gained awareness regarding the treatment and safe use of the drugs (RCMP, 1969). Patients of these facilities are called â€Å"off the street†users hence decreasing public use. Patients here are forced to use sterilized syringes therefore minimizing the danger of spread of disease from one addict to another. Another benefit from this facility is that they allow their users to enter into a Detox program. The facility prevents patient frm overdosing and even if they do they are under supervision and good health care. (RCMP, 1969) Vancouver’s Insite was the first supervised injection sites in North America. It was set up in 2003 to serve the injection drug users in large number. They serve by providing sterilized needles and a hygienic place for the drug addicts to use hard drugs. The room in Insite consists of 12 booths where nurses assist you to find vein and inject properly under medical supervision. Nurses further help patients to filter drugs so that they can avoid overdoses. They provide health facilities to the homeless and sufferers.400 overdoses have been reported in the clinic but none died. Counselors are present to help patients who want to change their lives. Vancouver’s Insite has 275,000 visitors yearly costing federal government around $500,000 in addition to budget allocated provincially. (Anthony, 2006) The Canadian Expert Advisory Committee in 2008 evaluation of Insite concluded that each year 108 lives are saved by the facility. Drug Free Australia declares that the European Monitoring Centre EMCDDA technique, applied with Canadian assumptions and data give way to the same findings. Canadian heroin deaths in 2002-3 was almost the same as Australia’s (958 fatality from over 80,000 marginalized heroin users) and death percentages for 2006-07, according to Drug Free Australia has been changed drastically. Furthermore, Expert Advisory Committee assumes that a typical Canadian heroin addict injects 4 times in a day so 100 Canadian heroin addicts would collectively inject 146,000 times in a year. Insite would turn away the fatality of the one injection in 146,000 injections which would most likely be fatal. (Popova, 2006) Insite was given a constitutional exemption from the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act in 2003, by the liberal Government permitting the customers and the wor kers to stay away from criminal offenses while working at or availing the facility. Health Canada provided financial support to the program evaluating it as a pilot scheme in harm reduction. This exemption expired in 2008 where the conservative government refused to extend the exemption from the act. Health Minister Tony Clement argued that the safe injection sites are diversions from treatment. (Anthony, 2006) The Supreme Court in September 2011 announced that Vancouver's Insite can stay open. The court stated that it would be a violation to the Charter of Right and Freedom if they don’t allow the Insite clinics to operate. Order was passed for the Federal Minister of health to grant an exemption from Controlled Drugs and Substances Act immediately. The Supreme Court was convinced by proof that drug addicts are significantly
Thursday, September 26, 2019
CRITIQUE OF PROFESSIONAL READING JOURNAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
CRITIQUE OF PROFESSIONAL READING JOURNAL - Essay Example Her recent work has focused largely on similar issues such as the fundamental processes in learning to read English by Chinese students: both - children as well as adults, and learning to read Chinese by skilled English readers (online, 20101). Dr. Keiko Koda works as Professor of Japanese and Second Language Acquisition at the Univeristy of Illinois, and has extensive experience in the field of second langauge reading competence. Her recent works include a series of studies aimed at investigating the conjoint impacts of first language literacy and second language print exposure on the formation of reading sub-skills in typologically diverse second languages (Chinese, English, Korean, and Japanese). (online, 20102). Second language acquisition and development is a widely researched subject and has been used by various researchers to explore the nuances of language learning among second language learners. The topic discussed in the present article deals with diverse issues related to language acquisition, such as the word identification skills among different sets of college students having diverse linguistic backgrounds (Chinese and Korean) and enrolled in learning English as a second language. The main objective of the authors was to understand the language acquisition process employed by students belonging to diverse cultural backgrounds through exploring the similarities and differences between their methods of learning a common language. Such a study would pave way for further research and bring about major changes and improvements in the manner in which second language training is imparted and courses designed. For this purpose, a study was conducted on two distinct groups of college students all of whom were ESL students. They were tested by way of a naming experiment and an auditory category judgment task.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
History research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
History - Research Paper Example ilm Gandhi, which belongs to the genre of epic biography, portrays the life history of Gandhi on one side and analyses the Indian independence movement and the related complex confluence of imperialism, nationalism, and decolonization on another side, because different methods adopted by Gandhi, like non-violent struggle, civil disobedience movement, the Salt March etc, eventually helped India to be free from the British rule. This research study is broadly divided as: Film as an epic biography: Gandhi’s life history, Analysis: Gandhi’s influence on Indian independence movement, Gandhi’s methods and Indian independence movement, and personal opinion. One can see that epic biography as a movie genre deals with life histories of historically significant individuals. Within this scenario, the film Gandhi primarily deals with the life history of Gandhi in general. To be specific, the opening scene (say, Gandhi’s death) proves that the director’s aim is to make use of flashback technique to narrate Gandhi’s life history. Martha NUSSBAUM stated that, â€Å"Mohandas K. Gandhi has been the subject of such vast discussion and such widespread veneration that even readers with little knowledge of Indian history are likely to have a reasonably accurate picture of him-especially if they have seen Richard Attenborough’s excellent 1982 film, in which Ben Kingsley successfully conveyed many aspects of Gandhi’s complex personality†(94). But the director does not try to unearth Gandhi’s earlier life because it is less significant within this context. Besides, the director portrays Gandhi’s political activism in South Africa. When Gandhi reached South Africa as a lawyer, the nation was under British imperialism. To be specific, some Indian merchants residing in South Africa asked Gandhi to help them to save them from discriminatory laws implemented by the government. When he reached South Africa, he realized that the Indian merchants are facing marginalization
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Volcanoes and other Igneous Features Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Volcanoes and other Igneous Features - Essay Example The hanging wall slides going up past the footwall. The pushing forces that cause reserve faults are compressional which tries to thrust both the sides together. In a reverse fault, the hanging wall is the part that moves upward. Reverse faults are also occasionally called thrust faults. The term thrust fault is used to classify a fault with plates under the ocean. These kinds of faults can instigate more damage and destruction than strike-slips faults. The massive Sumatra earthquake in 2004, which cracked the biggest fault length of any documented earthquake, is an example of a reverse fault earthquake. The second type of fault is the normal fault, in which the pressure force that causes it is tension. The hanging wall moves downward as the footwall slides past it, going up. The forces that generate normal faults pull both sides apart, or extensional. Although it is termed a normal fault, a normal fault is not the most frequently occurring out of all the other types of faults. The term normal refers to the propensity for the movement of this type of fault to follow the direction of gravity. Examples of a normal fault are The Cabrillo Fault and The Great Rift Valley of Africa. Meanwhile, strike-slip faults have walls that instead of moving up or down move sideways. That is, the slide happens alongside the strike, unlike dip-slip faults, which occur up or down the dip. In these faults, the fault plane is typically vertical, thus, there are no hanging walls and footwalls. The pressure forces causing these faults are horizontal, moving both sides past each other. The San Andreas Fault that runs through California is an example of a strike-slip fault. The majority of mountain ranges on Earth have been formed because of the compression along or within tectonic plates. Massive areas of bedrock disintegrate into blocks by faults. Landforms such as mountains, ridges, hills, valleys and lakes are occasionally created when the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Service Quality and Consumer Satisfaction Research Paper
Service Quality and Consumer Satisfaction - Research Paper Example The answers stipulated in the results will help the business community determine if the concepts are single constructs in nature, or different separable constructs. List three references from literature review. Comment on what type of style (APA or other) have used in referencing. Some of the sources of information used in the literature review are; Bearden and Teel (1983), Churchill and Surprenant, (1982), and Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, L. (1994) (Iacobucci and Ostrom 278). These sources are applied in relating the opinion of the customers related to documented information. The referencing used in the paper is in APA formatting. List at least one theory that is used in the study. The study is an analysis of marketing theory which researches the relationships between the two main aspects business environment; Service Quality and Consumer Satisfaction. Write a brief description of the methodology used in the study. The article presents two studies with divergent methodologies m eant to explain the relationship between the two concepts. It focuses on the consumer understanding of quality and satisfaction. The respondents on both studies report whether they think the two concepts differ and in what perspectives and dimension in case of a difference. The first study uses qualitative critical incident technique to accrue the service attributes considered by the respondents who postulates that the concepts are different. The responses are then coded to the open ended survey questions which are compared and analyzed to determine whether the two concepts can be alienated from each other in reference to respondents’ perspective. The second study involved the use of manipulated service attributes in relation to the first study and literature reviews. This was meant to identify the results of the first study and the literally information have differential impacts on the judgment of quality satisfaction. The respondents were encouraged to their independent vie ws. However, the researchers did not presuppose the difference to the respondents in the second study; they were required to give their personal judgment on the two concepts as well as making independent definitions (Iacobucci and Ostrom 277). Their judgments guided the study conclusion on whether the terms were used interchangeably or variably. The whole research relies on divergent methodologies that involve content analysis of experimentation and qualitative data. This enhanced the validity of the results. List the sources of data and classify the variables as continuous, categorical, dependent, and independent variables. Evaluate four characteristics that describe the data is applicable for the date used in the study. The secondary sources of data are books and journals. This is continuous as it can be used overtime. Antecedents forms the independent variables while focal constructs (quality and satisfaction) form the dependent variables. The participants form the categorical va riable as they grouped into gender nature. The primary sources of data include experimentation and open discussions. The two studies were transitional. The respondents had a gender balance characteristic thus the responses were not gender biased. The participants were outsourced from business administration department thus
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Leadership in Film - Remember the Titans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leadership in Film - Remember the Titans - Essay Example Respect for the team as a whole and self respect helped the team captain come to that decision. When a leader has respect of his men and himself, then a winning team is the result. Assistant Coach Yoast was about to be inducted into the hall of fame, plus given the Head Coach’s job, if he kept his mouth shut while his team got cheated out of the regional championships. If he would have let his team get cheated, then Assistant Coach Yoast would not have been an effective leader. Being an effective leader is about respect, if Assistant Coach Yoast would have succumbed to immoral activities such as bribes and corruption, his team would have lost respect for him. When a team has no respect for their leader, then the leader loses their trust and his position as leader. Coach Boone affirms and identifies himself as the head coach when he says â€Å"Make no mistake, I am the head coach. This is not a democracy! This is a dictatorship! I am here to win!†Coach Boone uses his authority forcefully. Boone uses physical punishment, not peace, love and understanding, to unify the two races. Direction is instruction, whereas coercion is intimidation. Coach Boone used coercion to unify his team, taking them to the championship. Coach Boone did have a transformational approach to leadership. He did what it took to earn respect from his players. From insisting that they speak other team mates, finding out facts about their lives, until they have met everyone or else he will double their practice time to asking the players â€Å"who’s your daddy?†, Coach Boone demanded respect from his players. Respects leads to winning. Winning was Coach Boone’s goal. Coach Boone achieved that goal by earning the respect of his players. That is what makes a transformation approach to leadership.. Despite the race relations in Remember the Titans, this movie is about exceptional leadership. The leadership in this film shows
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Essay Example for Free
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Essay Teen deaths for any reason are tragic losses of life and potential. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five teenagers in the U.S. seriously considers suicide annually, and approximately 1,700 die by suicide each year. Both the CDC and the National Mental Health Association (NMHA) point out that suicide rates for teens have tripled since 1960 making it the third leading cause of adolescent death and the second cause among college students. Yet, according to the American Psychological Association, teen suicide is preventable, and they identify possible warning signs. They also note that more than 90 percent of suicide deaths are from mental illness and substance-abuse disorders. Not letting facts stand in their way, activist groups continue to claim, based on a flawed 1989 study that has been completely discredited, that 30 percent of all teens who attempt suicide are homosexuals. Instead, teen suicide reports from the major psychological and pediatric associations either do not even mention sexual identity or mention it near the bottom of a long list of other risk factors associated with teen suicide. Other teen suicide factors family breakup through divorce, alcohol or drug abuse, and family dysfunction are mentioned in all the major health organization publications as main factors in teen suicide. Research from Columbia University Medical Center, published in APAM, cites different reasons for girls and boys suicides. The researchers collected data from over 8,000 students in New York City high schools in 2005. For females, recent dating violence is a primary cause of attempted suicide. For teen males, a lifetime history of sexual assault is associated with suicide attempts. Dr. Elyse Olshen, lead researcher for the study, reported that girls who have been physically abused by a boyfriend are 60 percent more likely to attempt suicide than those who have not. For boys, sexual abuse over an extended period of time is more likely to be the determining factor for male teen suicide. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) identified the strong risk factors for teen suicide as depression, alcohol, or drug abuse and aggressive, disruptive behaviors. They also mentioned family loss, instability, and unplanned pregnancy. Suicidal teens, they reported, feel alone, hopeless, and reject ed and are especially vulnerable when they have experienced a loss, humiliation, or trauma, such as poor grades, breakup with boyfriend or girlfriend, argument with parents, parental discord, separation, or divorce. The APA declared that 53 percent of young people who commit suicide are substance abusers. NMHA identifies feelings of anger and resentment and the inability to see beyond a temporary situation as the main factors in teen suicide attempts. KidsHealth quotes Dr. David Sheslow, a pediatric psychologist, who identifies drugs and alcohol as leading causes of suicide in teens. Further, KidsHealth reports, A teen with an adequate support network of friends, family, religious affiliations, peer groups or extracurricular activities may have an outlet to deal with his everyday frustrations. A teen without an adequate support network may feel disconnected and isolated from his family and peer groups. Its these teens who are at increased risk for suicide. Other problems identified by KidsHealth are divorce, alcoholism of a family member, domestic violence, physical and sexual abuse, repeated failures at school, substance abuse, and self-destructive behavior. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry publishes a fact sheet about teen suicide. Causes they list? Stress, confusion, self-doubt, pressure to succeed, financial uncertainty, fears about growing up, divorce, formation of a new family with step-parents and step-siblings, and moving to a new community. They clearly identify suicide feelings as a mental disorder. The American Academy of Pediatrics, in their publication about preventing teen suicide, identifies the long term impact of child abuse as the leading cause of attempted suicides among women. They emphasize the greater pressures of modern life, competition for grades and college admissions, and increased violence in the media as contributing factors. They also cite the lack of parental involvement because of divorce, parents work schedules, and limited family life. One study reported that 90 percent of suicidal teenagers believed that their families do not understand them. Viewing teen suicide through the distorted, single-vision lens of the homosexual activists puts large numbers of teens at risk. Those who insist that the problem of teen suicide is primarily among teens who struggle over their sexual identity overlook the vast majority of potential teen suicide victims those who have other emotional or psychological issues, those who abuse drugs and other substances, and especially those who have suffered sexual violence and abuse. The problems of emotionally and physically battered teens must be faced and their minds and bodies healed; otherwise, the rate of teen suicides will continue to rise. Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D. is executive director and senior fellow of Concerned Women for Americas Beverly LaHaye Institute.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Effects Of Television Programmes And Cartoons On Children Media Essay
Effects Of Television Programmes And Cartoons On Children Media Essay Word of media plural of word of medium which comes from Latin and it means as well as a device, environment and kind of media tool which we use when we communicate. On the other hand, we use the word of media in Turkish language and that sounds unkind than other versions but at the same time we use mass communication medium conception. However, the word is not a Turkish word but created a close relation with the meaning and usage of the word. Nevertheless, the words of media concept or mediums kind of wrong usages shows us that how impractical of the concept and that word has entered our language as well as creating confusion. (Halil Nalà §aoÄÅ ¸lu , 2003, Medya ve Toplum, Ips Ä °letiÃ…Å ¸im VakfÄ ± YayÄ ±nlarÄ ±, Ä °stanbul) After all commited researches, we saw that mass communications tools was investigating effects of delivered messages on upon the targets from the beginnings to date. For that reason, receivers of messages in other words audiance or listeners situations were carried an important weight and it was aroused more attention than other components of communication. The audience understand the message of the acceptance of active or passive, the research found likely to be correct, however, dubious, questionable, problematic parts formed. (Ã…Å ¾ahinde Yavuz, 2005, Medya ve Ä °zleyici, Bitmeyen TartÄ ±Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸ma, Vadi YayÄ ±nlarÄ ±, Ankara) Today on the role of media influence and a lot of research has been done. Researchers, the event continues today, according to the liberal pluralist approach, especially the visual media presentation and a principled understanding of the task falls on the way up was needed. To give a presentation of the message by the principles of ethical norms on the one hand, and how the presentation of the message transmitted limits on the other hand, also sets the line between social media and are defending the thesis. (AyÃ…Å ¸e Ä °nal, 2003, Medya ve Toplum, Ips Ä °letiÃ…Å ¸im VakfÄ ± YayÄ ±nlarÄ ±, Ä °stanbul) IMPORTANCE OF THE SUBJECT In a study showed that the most enjoyable period of childhood, developmental psychologist and expert pedagogues by Before Transaction between the ages of 4-7 is called the period. Increases childrens imagination at this stage, games and toys become the most important part of life. Children are very much is egocentric. On the basis of the world as they experience the feeling that the world spins around them and they are the only human beings. One of the most characteristic feature of this universe of inanimate objects human characteristics is they believe that lifeless objects can be alive. In kids world, any change in terms of cognitive development may be having full faith. For example; Gadgets like the fairy tale Puss in Boots camel can turn into cats or mice. At times like this kind of thinking goes, is sometimes startling. In fact, these kind of fantastic games, movies, stories and fun stuff are tools to enhance creativity of our children, us and that enrich our relationship. To a chieve this positive goal, what we need to do is have some mandatory approaches. And this approach results in what direction the research is going to be a case and that will be examined in accordance with references of the researches. A study of violence in television programs and cartoons to the elements and their activities were examined and children were observed to behave differently after watching violent content on television cartoons. The pre-school children used in this study and 100 children were observed before and after watching TV. One group was watching violent cartoons, while the other group, no aggression, non-line of the content of movies are provided. Children who were watching violent movies were observed to fight with other children more and go against to their parents and be more impatient of their behaviours examined by the researchers. Educators and pedagogues are also identified by the new generation that childrens programs and cartoons are no different than an adult programmes and shows on television. That shows feels a little girl like a teenage girl and boys who feels like the cartoon heroes subjects unsuitable topics according to childrens age and subjects do not conform to the developmental characteristics of children. That puts at risk of these young children mental health. (Sevil Gà ¼mà ¼Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸, Pedagogue, Istanbul, 2010) When we consider all these things and we get these results that creativity and thinking system of a child is effecting when watching cartoons on the line up of films including the development of systems that are affected by some negative elements. To prevent these adverse effects from the world of cartoons for children with different solutions, rather than depriving them much easier to navigate and that will be effective results obtained by experts and research results are positive according to the data that we have. THE AIM OF THE STUDY Television has an important role in an adults life as well as a childs. Today, as a major entertainment and recreational vehicle of television programs adopted, watched and consumed by the children as much as adults. Programme-makers are aware of the diversity of the audience, and according to different age groups and educational programs are designed in order to their targets. Cartoons are among these programmes and fundamentally children are the main target for these productions. Primary school age children in the period preceding its relationship with television are identical for the purposes of discovery. Television programs, especially the bright, vibrant and fast-changing elements, moving characters, strongly the sound or light gets childrens attention and affects them. Pre-school children meet with violence watching TV cartoons and that makes them become ready for violence watching these unreal but lively and brighter images. Especially share of cartoons has a big responsibility in that. School-age is a very important period for children as they tend to be more violence and shows aggressive behaviours in terms of their impacts of behaviours because their age. During this period, a child develops increased attention. They have an ability to understand and follow the continuity in the stories. The described events as implicit in their conclusions and approves the actions or movements of the characters and its mimics. The trend in this period and violence in children varies and changes if they watch violent programs. Especially those who follow such programs which reflects the real world of violence and those children who believed himself a hero shows aggressive behavior in real life is seen to increase. During the adolescent period, affected by television charactersor identity formation is less than younger ages. But this young teenage children are more convinient to copy violence the in the television or criminal behavior by mimicking, shows us a rebel behaviour of traditional authority challenged behavior can be exposed. (Josephson, W.L.,1995, Television violence: A review of the effects on chÄ ±ldren of dÄ ±fferent ages. Canadian Heritage.) Cartoons colorful, exaggerated and full of fun world, impresses kids big time and at the same time entertains their world. Because of the level of creativity and thinking system of the children are very different from adults as children watchs cartoons and feels themselves part of what the watch and that develops their creativity. The cartoons and events they watch and follow in a way thats much easier to adopt and internalize for them. Therefore, cartoons has important activity during childrens internalization period and that learning and observing creates different worlds in childs thinking system. But the cartoons can be adversely affected in many elements on children especially discernment wise submits and shows us that the ones who did not reach the level of understanding and judging could be way more affected. Because watching the cartoons, childrens world slowly begins to become a part of it. If the necessary intervention is not made a child makes himself part of that fantasy world and cuts the reality between that world and real life. That affects negatively childrens development. They start losing adaptation of the real world and ignore what happening around them. They start becoming some other character which does not exist in real world. (Ä °dil Seda AK, 2010, Çocuk GeliÃ…Å ¸imi UzmanÄ ±, Istanbul) The most affected social groups of the television broadcasts are today, children. The broadcasts influences their personality development and socialization who are at the stage of development also well known by the community. To protect children from negative effects of television broadcasts for both national and international levels, the various arrangements being made every day and joint operations are conducted. Those programs particularly interested by the children and can cause series of physical, mental and moral development damages. The world authorities are working on them not to be too violent and kind of measures taken in the direction of interest is still being investigated as we are not sure if we are on the right direction. (Dr. A.Zahid Akman, RTÃÅ"K, 2006, Ä °lkà ¶Ãƒâ€žÃ… ¸retim ÇaÄÅ ¸Ãƒâ€žÃ‚ ±ndaki ÇocuklarÄ ±n Televizyon Ä °zleme AlÄ ±Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸kanlÄ ±klarÄ ± Kamuoyu AraÃ…Å ¸tÄ ±rmasÄ ±, Istanbul) RESOURCES Tà ¼rkiyede Karikatà ¼r, Çizgi Roman Ve Çizgi Film, Ä °letiÃ…Å ¸im YayÄ ±nlarÄ ±, 1994 Television violence: A review of the effects on children of different ages. Josephson, W.L Canadian Heritage, 1995 Children and Television, The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Sage Publications, Inc, Philadelphia, USA, 1998 Impact of media on children and adolescents: A 10-year review of the research, Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 2001 Televizyon ve Çocuk,, RTÃÅ"K AraÃ…Å ¸tÄ ±rmalarÄ ±, 2003, Tà ¼rkiye Medya ve Toplum, Medya ve Toplum Ä °liÃ…Å ¸kisini Anlamak ÃÅ"zere Bir Çerà §eve, IPS Ä °letiÃ…Å ¸im Vakfi YayÄ ±nlarÄ ±, Ä °stanbul, 2003 Medya ve Ä °zleyici, Bitmeyen TartÄ ±Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸ma, Vadi YayÄ ±nlarÄ ±, Ankara, 2005 Ä °lkà ¶Ãƒâ€žÃ… ¸retim ÇaÄÅ ¸Ãƒâ€žÃ‚ ± ÇocuklarÄ ± Ä °Ãƒ §in TV Ä °zleme AraÃ…Å ¸tÄ ±rmasÄ ±, RTÃÅ"K AraÃ…Å ¸tÄ ±rmalarÄ ±, 2005-2006, Tà ¼rkiye Medya Ã…Å ¾iddet Toplum, Anadolu ÃÅ"niversitesi YayÄ ±nlarÄ ±, EskiÃ…Å ¸ehir, 2007 Çocuklar ve Çizgi Filmler, Ä °dil Seda AK, Çocuk GeliÃ…Å ¸imi UzmanÄ ±, Ä °stanbul, 2010 Çocuk ve Çizgi Filmler, Sevil Gà ¼mà ¼Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸, Pedagog, Ä °stanbul, 2010
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Invasive plants Essay -- Native Plant Species, Environment
Since we are accustomed to a life full of modern conveniences, it is important to remember that human survival still depends on the planet's natural diversity. Pennsylvania has 25,000 species of plants and animals, with more than 2,100 being native (IConserve, 2007). It is critical to appreciate the sustainable use of these natural resources that influence our beautiful state’s economic health and quality of life of all Pennsylvanians. Yet many threats to our home’s biodiversity are present. One significant threat is invasive plant species that are eliminating native plant species. Invasive plants are plants which grow aggressively, spreading and displacing other plants (Ball, 2002). Whether it is intentional or not, they are often introduced by humans. On the other hand, native plants are pants that existed within Pennsylvania before European settlement. Because they are meant to grow here, they are quite beneficial to the environment as well as people (Fell 19 95). In order to preserve Pennsylvania’s health and natural beauty, it is essential to control the growth of invasive plant species while supporting the growth of native plant species. When Pennsylvania was first settled in the 1600’s by William Penn, abundant plants covered about 90% of the state (IConserve 2007). All of these plants are considered to be natives because they existed in the area before human settlement. Unfortunately, due to human interactions with nature, the landscape has changed significantly over time. Many plants that once defined Pennsylvania have been lost; however, this problem can be reversed to some extent. By 2000, five percent of Pennsylvania’s native plant species had been lost and another twenty-five percent were in danger o... ...s that are invasive and controlling or destroying any invasive species. These plants are adaptable and grow well under a wide range of conditions and therefore have a much better chance of thriving. It is also important to use fertilizers in moderation because high nitrogen often stimulates the aggressive growth of plants (Fell, 1995). Planning land management is also important. Weekly mowing is important for the maintenance of lawns and weeding is important for gardens. Pennsylvania’s meadows should be mowed annually and woodlands should be monitored for the need to remove invasive plant species (Ball, 2001). Unfortunately, invasive plants are causing problems not only in Pennsylvania, but all across the country (Invasive Plants: Silent Invaders, 2004). It is essential that efforts are made in order to keep this plant crisis from deteriorating further.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Customer Relationship Management Essay -- Software Technology CRM Essa
Customer Relationship Management A relative of mine works for a corporate firm on CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. He told me that their company is doing well with their CRM initiative while most of the other companies, using different software, are not achieving their goal of customer satisfaction. That gave me a big click of interest towards my research topic and I came up with a research questions as â€Å"How to avoid CRM failure?†and how to choose a best CRM software vendor? Customer Relationship Management is an interactive process for achieving the optimum balance between corporate investments and the satisfaction of customer needs to generate the maximum profit. CRM refers to management of all interactions with customers in which the enterprise indulges. Its main focus is on managing and optimizing entire customer lifecycle. The customer lifecycle revolves around marketing, sales and customer service. According to Jill Dyche (2002), CRM promises to help companies get to know their customers well enough to understand which ones to keep and which ones they should be willing to lose and why -and how not to overspend in the meantime. CRM also means automating many of the business processes and accompanying analysis and saving precious time in the bargain. Today’s companies are interacting with consumers at unprecedented levels and across different channels, such as E-mail, text chat, and multi-functional call centers. Marketing, sales and customer service are commonplace for CRM, so it is essential to acquire new customers and retain those who have high value, since customers have real value to the company’s success. And companies are pouring millions of dollars into customer relationship management, but most initiatives fail to deliver customer needs, so it is essential to have a proper analysis of CRM before choosing a particular vendor. The objective of good CRM is to increase the customer base by acquiring new customers and effectively serving the needs of existing customers. â€Å"The U.S. business-to-consumer e-commerce market is forecast to grow from $41.7 billion this year to $163 billion in 2004, and companies are realizing that customer relationship management will be a key driver of this growth, says Robert DeSisto, a VP with corporate consultant Gartner Group†(Jusko, 2001, p.12). Gartne... ...World Wide Web . Sullivan, Tom (2001, February). Software selection process. InfoWorld magazine. . Robert, M., Deanne, M., John, A. W. (2001). Emerging Technologies for Enhancing Supplier–Reseller Partnerships. Retrieved December 11, 2002 from World Wide Web 23&_cdi=5809&_orig=browse&_coverDate=02%2F28 2F2001&_sk=999699997&wchp=dGLbVzblSzBS& _acct=C000043018&_version=1&_userid=776986&md5=dc3b050988e40666b4698d136219cf4f&ie=f. pdf . Siebel systems (2002).Implementation best practices: Ensuring Customer success Retrieved December 11, 2002 from World Wide Web . Perkins, Bob. (2001). The Truth about CRM Software Satisfaction: Leveraging the Economy of Trust. Retrieved November 11, 2002 from . Hubley, Jen. (2002). Personalization tops privacy as key concern for e-mail marketers Retrieved December 12, 2002 from,289142,sid11_gci790282,00.html
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Mormon Religion - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints :: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Mormon Religion - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, true? Not true? Christians? Not Christians? These are some of the questions people ask about the Mormon church. How did the Mormon church start? Joseph Smith Jr. was born in 1805 in Sharon, Windsor County, Vermont, to Joseph and Lucy Mack Smith. He had 10 brothers and sisters. His parents taught him to pray, read the Bible, and to have faith in God. At age 14, Joseph saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, in his First Vision. At age 17, Joseph began to receive heavenly messengers who prepared him for his role in the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ to the earth. He was a prophet, just like those in biblical times. The First Vision As a boy, Joseph Smith was surrounded by various churches which each claimed to teach the truth. This caused him much serious reflection. He wanted to know which church was right. One day he read a passage in the Bible which says, â€Å"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him†(James 1:5). Joseph decided to accept the invitation to ask God.(James 1:5) 5 aIf†¢ any of you lack bwisdom, let him ask of God, that cgiveth to all men liberally, and dupbraideth†¢ not; and it shall be given him. In the spring of 1820, Joseph went to a grove of trees near his home and prayed to learn which church he should join. In answer to his prayer, Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to him. Joseph wrote: â€Å"When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the otherâ€â€This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!†Joseph was told to join none of the churches that existed at that time. Joseph’s written account of this event is a powerful testimony of what he saw and experienced. Joseph’s written account After I had retired to the place where I had previously designed to go, having looked around me, and finding myself alone, I kneeled down and began to offer up the desires of my heart to God. I had scarcely done so, I saw a pillar of clight†¢ exactly over my head, above the brightness of the dsun†¢, which descended gradually until it fell upon me.
Monday, September 16, 2019
A critical analysis of “Charles V & Philip his Son” by Marino Cavalli, 1554
This is a critical analysis of a written piece by Marino Cavalli as he writes his thoughts about the comparisons between the current King; Charles V, and his son and heir Philip. Cavalli has documented the concerns he has about Philip's inability to adequately rule over ‘various peoples' when he comes to power. Cavalli was the Venetian Ambassador in France at the time, and had a vested interest in who succeeded Charles V to the throne. Cavalli begins by making basic observations about the physical similarities between father and son; their appearance, their habits and their demeanour. â€Å"His Highness is now in his twenty-fourth year, of very delicate complexion and medium stature. In both face and mind he resembles his father..†This is the first, and last positive evaluation he makes about Philip. It becomes clear very quickly that he harbours numerous doubts about Philip's ability to come to power and manage different countries, when he favours being advised by a solely Spanish council, who would clearly have preference for their own agenda. â€Å"He takes excessive pleasure in being revered, and he maintains with everyone, no matter who he may be, a greater haughtiness than his father,†. Cavalli obviously worries that Philip does not attempt to earn the respect of his subjects or nobility. He manages to infer a negative edge to the term ‘revere' cleverly using insinuation to make the reader consider this to be an unattractive quality, and demonstrates a preference for Charles V over Philip as he goes on to say; â€Å"They have good reason, being used to his father, who knows extremely well how to adjust himself by various ways to all kinds of people.†If Cavalli's dilemma was merely a loyalty preference for Charles V it could be argued that he was politicking. Especially considering his Venetian roots and French ties, and the fact that the European countries were constantly warring for power, land and control. But when taking into account his other reservations about Philip's eventual rise to power, (which were similar to a great many other opinions of the time), the historian; with the grace of hindsight, can see that his concerns were well founded. It was well known that Charles V (despite the many wars he fought) was hungrier for peace than to acquire land, and he made the best efforts to maintain civility with the neighbouring states, whether or not they had previously fought each other for the rite to rule. Charles V was also recognised as having a very tolerant nature regarding the religious preferences of the people he governed. He was aware of the protestant uprising, and did not make it a priority to come down on his subjects with the severity he could have. As his son Philip would do in later years. It would seem Philip was destined to live in his fathers shadow; â€Å"But owing to the greatness of his father, and the fact that he was born great and has not yet proved himself in any work, he will never appear in the last analysis as the equal of the emperor.†Cavalli felt that Philip had cut himself off from all but the Spanish. â€Å"One may judge that when this prince succeeds to the government of his states he will be served wholly by Spanish ministers, for he is inclined towards that people more than is fitting in a prince who wishes to rule over various peoples†¦Ã¢â‚¬ And he was quite right, Philip did move to Spain never returning to live in Holland, he refused to speak the language and did keep virtually a wholly Spanish council. His preference for Spain was widely known at the time, and widely documented in the historical years to follow. This piece of text is written in a personal, almost diary or journal entry style which allows Cavalli to articulate freely his concerns. It would seem that Cavalli's fears were realised once Philip came to power, although there would have been nothing Cavalli could have done to bring about change, as Philip was born into the time when Royalty were believed to be born with a divine rite to rule, and due to the sheer population numbers of the countries that he resided over, he was always able to gain favour somewhere, especially when his main goal was to crush the protestant reformation and gain land and title, no matter what the cost.
Vagueness, Ambiguity and clarity in writing
Vagueness, Ambiguity, and Clarity In Writing Coastland Bullock June 29, 2014 CRT. 205 In example three, the ambiguity causes this statement to have a lot of vagueness. When dealing with a situation such as collecting money for a project, all details should be clearly and factually stated first. The first thing said Is, next Sunday; along with this should be a date.Also, when It says the collection will help with the cost I feel that the cost should be stated as well so that a goal can be set for the group as a whole. The rest of the statement is even more vague because all details of the project otherwise they may not be as willing to donate as much. Lastly, the end of the second sentence says to let the committee know if you would like to do something but they do not mention which committee is in charge of the project.Being able to understand this example is not very difficult because its kind of common sense what they are getting at but it is a little hard understand all the detail s so therefore they may be less likely to get more help with the project. With these types of announcements, thinking critically in order to be clear in your writing is a vital aspect o incorporate into our work. Thinking deeply into whatever we are doing is important so that the result is clear and on point.In example four, the entire statement is vague and unclear of what conclusion or point is trying to be made. I understood from reading it that they obviously agreed with what they read at first but as they continued to read they found out more, this type of writing makes this paragraph ambiguous. At first the reader agrees with what is being stated but after reading on, they become indecisive causing failure to make a choice. Never once was any information stated that said who, where, when, why, or what they were talking about.The example uses words such as they, both, sort of, the author, something, and anything. Using these types of words and phrases will automatically make an y writing or conversation vague and ambiguous. These two downfalls in writing influence understanding by not allowing the reader to know what is trying to be proved or concluded in the writing. This paragraph is not an example of clear writing because the writer was obviously not aware that whoever might read it may not know what or who they were talking about due to no details in the statement.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Technological Adaptation On Hospital Standards Health And Social Care Essay
IntroductionHospital is one of the most of import and fast growth industry. It is the most of import service for the populace. Many organisations are working as in private or publicly ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Health governments by the authoritiess and United Nation are working to look after for the criterions and process ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . The regulations are so rigorous for the wellness attention services it straight deals with the life of the patient ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The regulative governments do proper checking and guarantee the quality of the service provided to the patients. The safety safeguards are really high ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The wellness factors are impacting people to endure from their lives more and more. Health attention services include the infirmaries, pharmaceutical companies, ambulance services, and every step to salvage the human life ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . Human life is the cherished gift by the GOD which needs exceptional attention and attending. There is nil more cherished than the life a human being so the governments do non compromise on the service quality ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The wellness service suppliers need invention in the industry as to be cost effectual and efficient ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The uninterrupted and effectual betterment is needed in term of service quality and safety step ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . Patient attention is become mandatory as the diseases affect the human life severely ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The attendant alterations are required in wellness installations particularly in infirmaries and services drive from it ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The schemes and scrutinies demands to be done on uninterrupted footing to travel towards more inventions and engineering promotion ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The progress in engineering will non merely impact the cost of the intervention but besides the effectivity of the intervention will travel more positive. IT and the technological promotion have rolled all over the Earth ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The researches and the experiments are been on uninterrupted footing t o travel towards more effectual and efficient interventions ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . Hospital and Hospital direction is one of those Fieldss where IT has taken another measure and rush and has added a batch to the medical promotion which has assisted in a figure of interventions that were antecedently thought to be impossible ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Hospitals were non more focus towards the computerized systems and database. The computing machines and IT were ab initio merely restricted to disposal section of the infirmary to keep the direction. Even the information was maintained in the manus written registry book which can be harm and the information is non unafraid ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . With the promotion of the engineering, the infirmaries are now equipped with fiscal be aftering which helps the infirmaries to command the finance, budgeting which helps the infirmary to command the cost and advanced medical equipment which helps the infirmaries for more effectual and efficient interventions ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The IHMS package assists the infirmary in patient wellness attention and disposal ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . It helps the infirmaries to keep an up to day of the month services provided to the patient and the direction issues of the infirmary ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . These package non merely salvage the c ost but besides secure the information which is really of import in term of patient`s life ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The aims of the survey are to measure the IT alterations and promotions in Skoulnong General Hospital, the behavior towards engineering version and the impact of IT on the patient attention services ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The cost of supplying the high quality services as comparison to the client satisfaction is negligible ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . When it comes to wellness issues the money non affairs. Health is more of import than the money ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The engineering promotion made the intervention cost lower which is good for the economic system every bit good. The infirmaries require up to day of the month electronic medical record of the patients which helps the infirmaries to be less dependent on the medical staff ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . In instance the staff gets absent the infirmary direction can easy manage the patient with the aid of alternate staff ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The direction issues of the infirmary can be sorted out as the computerized sign-out systems will keep the staff clip in and clip out. The computerized system will keep the intervention, medicines, and job of the patients to be to the full integrated ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . Harmonizing to Bowers and Lutz ( 2000 ) , the third degree or service sectors are labour intensive establishments. There is wastage of the cherished clip on the certification and other filing procedure done by the medical staff. The IT and standard processs allows the infirmaries to hold an entree of the intranet that can do the information readily available ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The planetary sphere is concentrating on the client satisfaction as client is the most of import factor of the concern and IT has shown important consequences in accomplishing positive consequences ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The purpose of this survey is to measure the technological promotion and its impacts on the infirmary attention services at Skoulnong General Hospital. The survey would imply in deepness about the different technological alterations that this selected infirmary has taken into consideration and due to which their infirmary criterions were affected excessively ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) .IHMSThe wellness attention installations are turning and there is more focal point on the quality of wellness attention systems ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . This focal point shows the fast increasing technological alteration in wellness attention installations and edification of modern methods of patient intervention ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The increasing quality and engineering is been viewed as a important platform of answerability and intensive attention from the policy shapers in the private and public sectors. The alteration is needed as the conditions are altering ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The diseases and the illness of the people are increasing due to many environmental factors. The infirmaries need to be effectual and attendant in intervention and which can merely be achieved through engineering inventions ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . IHMS package has been developed to assist the infirmaries in bettering their public presentation with the aid of comprehensive package so lution ( Burden, 2002 ) . The package helps the infirmary in every facet to run and keep the criterions of working. The engineering helps the infirmary to make proper checking and controlling of the staff, histories, and ailments by the clients ( Burden, 2002 ) . The package cost much to the infirmaries but helps in effectivity in accomplishing more end products ( Burden, 2002 ) . The staff is able to work without package. But the engineering promotion forces the infirmaries to put in such package to work more expeditiously and efficaciously ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Harmonizing to Grimes ( 2003 ) , the IHMS package used in the infirmaries have two basic manners of operations such as patient attention sphere and administrative sphere. The patient attention sector of the IHMS includes out-patient charge which helps the infirmary direction to keep the charge history and computerized records of history which non merely helps to better the client attention but besides help in decrease of frauds ( Burden, 2002 ) . The medical history of the patient is besides been computerized which helps the infirmary to keep a proper record of the intervention and in instance the staff is non present the alternate staff can execute the responsibilities on their behalf ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . This will assist the infirmary to maintain a balance in the intervention of the patient and safety of the record ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . This package includes more in term of in-patient discharge, ward direction, in-patient admittance, Out-patient enrollment, medical recor ds, referral patient direction, assignment, patient flow direction, operation theatre direction, medical record trailing, and in-patient reserve ( Burden, 2002 ) . All the informations related to information about the patient and issues of infirmary are keeping through computerized informations ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . It improves the patient satisfaction and a good feeling towards infirmary and intervention ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The administrative sphere entails intranet, material direction, standard fiscal, and community outreach. The ISMS package is extremely flexible and can be easy customized to the dynamic demands of the infirmaries ( Burden, 2002 ) . It helps the disposal to keep a web nexus between the all computing machines of the infirmary and a database which safe all the information. Through this system the information of the direction and patient attention is safe over the paper work which staff demands to make ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The paper work non merely waste the cherished clip of the medical staff but besides impropriety and hazard in keeping the records. The package is besides self operative and increases the efficiency of the client related questions ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The charge and reserves on clip increases the client satisfaction and the infirmary generates large grosss from it ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . In instance of the manual records the patient have to wait for th e question reply as the staff needs to happen the file of the client than cheque for the record ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . It non merely blow the clip of the staff but besides makes the client uncomfortable. Customer wants importance and fast service which non merely do a good image of the organisation but besides satisfaction towards service ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . Crow, Storey, and Page ( 2003 ) articulated that the IHMS maintain the information of the patients from the information of admittance to the discharge and supply the relevant and filtered information refering to the demand of the medical staff. Information engineering standardized the patient flow with the same criterions and processs, work flow and other activities within the infirmary ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The standard process takes less clip and hence, diminish the clip consumed by the disposal section ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The consumers are satisfied with the efficiency of the infirmary and gives rise to augmented client satisfaction ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The engineering promotion increases the cost for the infirmary but it has least of import than the client satisfaction ( Grimes, 2003 ) . Customer is the key for any concern because the concern operates for the client and concern is useless without clients ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) .The client satisfaction and technolog ical versionThe intent of the concern is to bring forth net income and the intent of the non net income organisations is to supply thee better attention to the general populace. Health sector includes the both private and public organisation to function the clients ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . Private wellness sector organisations are more focus towards net incomes but the public wellness sector organisations are owned by the authorities which is runing to give the purchase to the client ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . For both type of organisations client is needed to maintain the flow of the operations. The client for the infirmaries is the patient who suffers from unwellness and hurts ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . Hospitals belong to service industry in which the manufacturer and the terminal user communicate straight ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The mission and vision of the organisations is to better the service quality and convey invention to fulfill the client ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The success factors of any concern depend on the customeraa‚Â ¬a„?s satisfaction and the sensed image of the organisation ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . Customer satisfaction may be defined as the positive feedback after buying the merchandise or service ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The quality of the service is really of import and the government organic structures are keeping and commanding the quality ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . The rigorous actions can be taken against the medical service suppliers in instance the quality of the intervention or the factors drive from it are with lower quality ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . The client satisfaction helps the organisation to do the loyal clients ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The competition is really high in every industry particularly in service industry ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . Hospital is the most of import sector of any state because the life is really cherished. In infirmary industry the patients are more comfy with the medical staff as it is the critical issue for the patient life ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The patient feels comfy because the medical staff with whom they are acquiring the intervention knows them good, and knows the medical history of the patient ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . In instance the same medical staffs are non found by the patient, the patient does experience uncomfortable by acquiring the intervention from the alternate staff ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . If the client gets satisfied the client will go the loyal client and come to the same infirmary whenever they feel ill. Patients do prefer to travel to their household physicians a s an apprehension has been developed with them ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The staffs of the infirmary are really of import for client satisfaction ( Grimes, 2003 ) . The medical staff should be good educated and good train as a minor error can harm the patient ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The technological invention brings the flawlessness in interventions and improves the quality of services ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The promotion in the engineering helps the infirmaries to utilize more effectual and efficient ways to name the disease and get down the intervention. Harmonizing o Crow, Storey, and Page ( 2003 ) , the technological acceptance by the infirmaries has shown important positive consequence. This new progress package can be used in any section and require input from the staff and nowadays the consequence in extremely organized and customized signifiers ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The size of the infirmaries is irrelevant to the new engineering and medical equipment. The progress equipment helps the infirmaries to handle the patient with intensive attention ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . It can be used by infirmaries and medical institute of all sizes with comprehensive package and dearly-won machines ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The new advanced machines help the infirmaries to distinguish them from the rivals as the competition in the industry is really high ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . These machines help the physicians to indentify the patient disease in short period of clip ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The infirmaries must be without noise as it disturbs the patient ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The ill patient demands to rest more in peace and unagitated environment. The designation of disease is the first phase to get down the intervention ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The advanced electronic devices help the infirmary direction to cut down the noise. Hospitals are public topographic points where any accident can go on ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The safety step should be taken to minimise the hazard of accidents. The fire alarms or exigency systems help to contend with the catastrophe state of affairss ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The proclamations and messages help to better the commuting procedure ( Solbe rg et al. , 2008 ) . The computerized printed paperss are easy to read instead than the human authorship. Comprehensive package is needed for the infirmaries that have 25-30 admittance and dispatch a twenty-four hours otherwise a trim and little package is necessary for the infirmaries ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) .The benefits of IT and technological acceptance to the infirmariesThe benefits of engineering promotion are high which forces the infirmaries to follow the engineering ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The package shops the informations from all the section and offices of the infirmary on one portal. The information stored is merely presented and stored in one format which is easy clear and accessible at the exigency state of affairss ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . It helps the infirmary to pull off the informations and procure it from amendss. Arbors and Lutz ( 2000 ) acknowledged that the clients are pleased with the use of hi-tech package because it decreases their clip in certifi cation procedure and provides alleviation by utilizing easy accessible medical history. The handiness helps the direction to dependent on the medical staff least. The infirmary information is helpful to place the state of affairs of the patient and future executions ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The clients do non hold to wait in waiting line and their clip is save which readily consequences into the client satisfaction ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The engineering promotion helps the infirmaries to better their public presentation with the aid of effectual package. The cost of the package is high with the effectivity ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . This package cost much to the infirmaries and the staff is able to work without package. But the engineering promotion forces the infirmaries to put in such package to work more expeditiously and efficaciously ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The engineering promotion helps the direction to cut down the clip of the service bringing ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The infirmary develops the standard papers and format readily available on the intranet of the infirmary and hence the error opportunities are reduced. Grimes ( 2003 ) asserted that the staff enters the information with great ardor and concentration merely one time and so it can be retrieve easy on all the visits of the patients ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The patients are besides pleased with the public presentation of the infirmaries and do non hold to transport their old studies and medical histories once more and once more ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The engineering betterments in medical equipment, stock list direction and helps the infirmaries to handle the patient in effectual mode ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The effectivity leads towards the better terminal consequence. The efficiency might acquire affected as the technological alteration has the high cost ( Bow ers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The human life is more of import than the cost of the intervention because the effectual intervention will do the patient acquire rid of the diseases and live a healthy life ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The of import force is the ambulance by which the patient is been transfer to the infirmary ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The ambulance is the running infirmary which should be to the full equipped with the latest machines and tools which helps the ambulance crew to assist the patient in exigency state of affairs. In instance of accidents the patient needs pressing intervention without the wastage of clip. The ambulance helps in catastrophe by supplying initial medical intervention to the patients ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The version of new techniques to handle the patient is good to fulfill the client ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The benefits of the information engineering are it reduces the clip of the overall intervention. It besides helps the infirmary to distinguish them from rivals and give them an border over rivals ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The advanced machines and tools help the physician to place the disease of the patient efficaciously without blowing much clip ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The short diagnostic clip helps the physicians to get down the intervention foremost. The infirmary should be to the full equipped to cover with any sort of state of affairs and disease. The infirmaries are public topographic points with noisy environment ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The advanced engineering tools help the infirmary direction to command the noise as the patient needs unagitated and peaceable environment to rest ( Machado et al. , 2007 ) . Fire dismaies and technological safety step helps th e infirmary to cut down the hazard of uncertainness ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The fire alarms or exigency systems help to contend with the catastrophe state of affairss. The effectual communicating helps to better the public presentation of the organisation. The information engineering helps to work decently with proper certification and computerized informations ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The information is unafraid in computerized systems than the manus written paperss. It saves the clip of direction and improves efficiency ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The progress engineering helps the infirmary to keep the stock list degrees, and the in and out of the infirmary. Inventory direction system is the most of import factor which helps the infirmary to keep a good criterion and quality of service ( Machado et al. , 2007 ) . The stock list system includes the medical specialty stock list, tools, and other equipment needed. The benefit of the stock list direction system is to command the stock list before the deficit ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The medical specialty should be in adequate measure to carry through the demand in exigency instances. The stock list direction package helps the provider to look into the measure and supply it when itaa‚Â ¬a„?s needed ( Machado et al. , 2007 ) . The engineering promotion besides affects the medical specialty quality and uninterrupted invention in the production criterions ( Grimes, 2003 ) . The medical specialty is the tool which is used by the infirmaries and other wellness installations centres to bring around the disease of the patient ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . Patient satisfaction is depended on the stableness in the wellness of the patient which is the terminal consequence of the whole procedure done in the infirmary ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . If the behaviour and experience of the patient is non good with the infirmary but the terminal consequence is the stableness in the wellness, the patient will be still satisfied ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The invention and uninterrupted betterment in the medical specialty quality is because of the engineering quality besides due to the invention in the engineering ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) .IT, infirmary criterions, and employee satisfactionHarmonizing to Crow, Storey and Page ( 2003 ) , the turning accent on the client satisfaction has allowed the infirmaries to put in the IT undertakings for better quality of the services. The environment of the infirmary should be contributing to the client satisfaction and supply every easiness to diminish the manual procedure ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The infirmaries should develop long term relationship with their clients and non burthen them with the procedure direction. The value and self-respect of the patients should be mai ntained or enhanced by guaranting the criterions processs ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . A usher should be presented before the patients in that a detail process should be presented for the admittance and discharge procedure. The employee plays a critical function in the public presentation of the infirmary ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The public presentation of the infirmary depends on the employeeaa‚Â ¬a„?s public presentation and their behaviour ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Employees are the 1 who deals straight with the clients and handle them. Employee satisfaction comes from the working conditions and motivational factors provided by the direction ( Grimes, 2003 ) . If the employee is satisfied from the occupation, their public presentation will be high which impact the organisations public presentation positively ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Employees are the pillars of the organisation and particularly in service industry in which the employees are the one straight pass oning with the clients ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The infirmary criterions maintain the gait of the procedure fast and present the high quality services ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . The efficiency and effectivity of the infirmary decidedly leaves a positive impact on the client which is the ultimate net income and success for staff and infirmary both ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The criterion and process must be followed by the infirmaries which are design by the wellness section of the state ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . The regulative governments are guaranting the policies and criterions are been followed. In instance any mis-management happened the rigorous action should be taken against the infirmary ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . The new construct is been introduced as the universe as a planetary small town through which the United Nation organisations are involved to look into the quality and the tools and the medical specialty given to the patients ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) .
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