Thursday, December 26, 2019
Northern Renaissance of European Art
When we talk about the Northern Renaissance, what we mean is Renaissance happenings that occurred within Europe, but outside of Italy. Because the most innovative art was created in France, the Netherlands, and Germany during this time, and because all of these places are north of Italy, the Northern tag has stuck. Geography aside, there were some significant differences between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance. For one thing, the north held on to Gothic (or Middle Ages) art and architecture with a tighter, longer grip than did Italy. (Architecture, in particular, remained Gothic until well into the 16th century) This isnt to say that art wasnt changing in the north - in many instances, it kept apace with Italian doings. The Northern Renaissance artists, however, were scattered about and few initially (very unlike their Italian counterparts). The north had fewer centers of free commerce than did Italy. Italy, as we saw, had numerous Duchies and Republics which gave rise to a wealthy merchant class that often spent considerable funds on art. This wasnt the case in the north. The only notable similarity between northern Europe and, say, a place like Florence, lay in the Duchy of Burgundy. Burgundys Role in the Renaissance Burgundy, until 1477, encompassed a territory from present-day middle France northward (in an arc) to the sea, and included Flanders (in modern Belgium) and parts of the current Netherlands. It was the only individual entity standing between France and the enormous Holy Roman Empire. Its Dukes, during the last 100 years it existed, were given monikers of the Good, the Fearless and the Bold. Although apparently, the last Bold Duke wasnt quite bold enough, as Burgundy was absorbed by both France and the Holy Roman Empire at the end of his reign. The Burgundian Dukes were excellent patrons of the arts, but the art they sponsored was different from that of their Italian counterparts. Their interests were along the lines of illuminated manuscripts, tapestries, and furnishings. Things were different in Italy, where patrons were more keen on paintings, sculpture, and architecture. In the broader scheme of things, the social changes in Italy were inspired, as weve seen, by Humanism. Italian artists, writers, and philosophers were driven to study Classical antiquity and explore mans supposed capacity for rational choice. They believed that Humanism led to more dignified and worthy humans. In the north, possibly in part because the north did not have works of antiquity from which to learn, the change was brought about by a different rationale. Thinking minds in the north were more concerned with religious reform, feeling that Rome, from whom they were physically distanced, had strayed too far from Christian values. In fact, as northern Europe became more openly rebellious over the authority of the Church, art took a decidedly secular turn. Additionally, Renaissance artists in the north took a different approach to composition than did Italian artists. Where an Italian artist was apt to consider scientific principles behind composition (i.e., proportion, anatomy, perspective) during the Renaissance, northern artists were more concerned with what their art looked like. Color was of key importance, above and beyond form. And the more detail a northern artist could cram into a piece, the happier he was. Close inspection of Northern Renaissance paintings will show the viewer numerous instances where individual hairs have been carefully rendered, along with every single object in the room including the artist himself, distantly inverted in a background mirror. Different Materials Used by Different Artists Finally, its important to note that northern Europe enjoyed different geophysical conditions than did most of Italy. For example, there are lots of stained glass windows in northern Europe partly for the practical reason that people living there have more need for barriers against the elements. Italy, during the Renaissance, produced some fabulous egg tempera paintings and frescoes, along with glorious marble statuary. Theres an excellent reason the north isnt known for its frescoes: The climate isnt conducive to curing them. Italy produced marble sculptures because it has marble quarries. Youll note that Northern Renaissance sculpture is, by and large, worked in wood. Similarities Between the Northern and Italian Renaissances Until 1517, when Martin Luther lit the wildfire of Reformation, both places shared a common faith. Its interesting to note that what we now think of as Europe didnt think of itself as Europe, back during Renaissance days. If you had had the opportunity, at the time, to ask a European traveler in the Middle East or Africa where he hailed from, he likely would have answered Christendom regardless of whether he was from Florence or Flanders. Beyond providing a unifying presence, the Church supplied all artists of the period with a common subject matter. The earliest beginnings of northern Renaissance art are eerily similar to the Italian Proto-Renaissance, in that each chose Christian religious stories and figures as the predominant artistic theme. The Importance of Guilds Another common factor that Italy and the rest of Europe shared during the Renaissance was the Guild system. Arising during the Middle Ages, Guilds were the best paths a man could take to learning a craft, be it painting, sculpture or making saddles. Training in any specialty was long, rigorous and comprised of sequential steps. Even after one completed a masterpiece, and gained acceptance into a Guild, the Guild continued to keep tabs on standards and practices amongst its members. Thanks to this self-policing policy, most of the money exchanging hands, when works of art were commissioned and paid for, went to Guild members. (As you might imagine, it was to an artists financial benefit to belong to a Guild.) If possible, the Guild system was even more entrenched in northern Europe than it was in Italy. After 1450, both Italy and northern Europe had access to printed materials. Though subject matter might vary from region to region, often it was the same, or similar enough to establish commonality of thought. Finally, one significant similarity that Italy and the North shared was that each had a definite artistic center during the 15th century. In Italy, as previously mentioned, artists looked to the Republic of Florence for innovation and inspiration. In the North, the artistic hub was Flanders. Flanders was a part, back then, of the Duchy of Burgundy. It had a thriving commercial city, Bruges, which (like Florence) made its money in banking and wool. Bruges had cash aplenty to spend on luxuries like art. And (again like Florence) Burgundy, on the whole, was governed by patronage-minded rulers. Where Florence had the Medici, Burgundy had Dukes. At least until the last quarter of the 15th century, that is. Chronology of the Northern Renaissance In Burgundy, the Northern Renaissance got its start primarily in the graphic arts. Beginning in the 14th-century, an artist could make a good living if he was proficient in producing illuminated manuscripts. The late 14th and early 15th centuries saw illumination take off and, in some cases, take over entire pages. Instead of relatively sedate red capital letters, we now saw whole paintings crowding manuscript pages right out to the borders. The French Royals, in particular, were avid collectors of these manuscripts, which became so popular that text was rendered largely unimportant. The Northern Renaissance artist who is largely credited with developing oil techniques was Jan van Eyck, court painter to the Duke of Burgundy. Its not that he discovered oil paints, but he did figure out how to layer them, in glazes, to create light and depth of color in his paintings. The Flemish van Eyck, his brother Hubert, and their Netherlandish predecessor Robert Campin (also known as the Master of Flà ©malle) were all painters who created altarpieces in the first half of the fifteenth century. Three other key Netherlandish artists were the painters Rogier van der Weyden and Hans Memling, and the sculptor Claus Sluter. Van der Weyden, who was the town painter of Brussels, was best known for introducing accurate human emotions and gestures into his work, which was primarily of a religious nature. One other early Northern Renaissance artist that created a lasting stir was the enigmatic Hieronymus Bosch. No one can say what his motivation was, but he certainly created some darkly imaginative and highly unique paintings. Something that all of these painters had in common was their use of naturalistic objects within compositions. Sometimes these objects had symbolic meanings, while at other times they were just there to illustrate aspects of daily life. In taking in the 15th century, its important to note that Flanders was the center of the Northern Renaissance. Just as with Florence, at this same time, Flanders was the place that northern artists looked to for cutting edge artistic techniques and technology. This situation persisted until 1477 when the last Burgundian Duke was defeated in battle, and Burgundy ceased to exist.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Children And Young People Are Best Cared For By Their Own...
The Children Act 1989 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Local authorities, courts and parents, together with other agencies in the UK were allocated duties to ensure children and young people are safeguarded, and to promote their welfare. The idea is that children and young people are best cared for by their own families, but provisions are made for those parents and families that are unable to co-operate with statutory bodies. 7) Any delays in the system when a childà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬TMs welfare is at risk will have a detrimental impact on their wellbeing. The childà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬TMs welfare is paramount. 8) The child is listened to and their wishes are taken into account alongside physical and emotional needs, age, sex, background circumstances, the likely effect of the child and the harm suffered or likely to suffer. The parentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬TMs ability to provide these needs to the child or young person and the powers available to the court are also a consideration. 9) Family links should be maintained, either through visits or other forms of contact. Both parents are important, and attachments should be respected, sustained and developed. The law does not distinguish between married and unmarried as long as both parents have a parental responsibility. 10) 11) Young people under the age of 18 are classed as a child. 12) 13) For those dealing with children and young people on a daily basis, the childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬TM activities must be planned to ensure learning and play are enjoyable whilst in a safe and secure environment. The ratio betweenShow MoreRelatedMy Role As A Young Child1514 Words  | 7 Pages My role as a young child often involved taking care of Megan and Shane. Getting them dressed and washed-up, combing their hair and keeping an eye on them. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Was the Spanish-American War Justified free essay sample
To that extent, many feared Spain would be detrimental to imports and exports because of their presence in the Caribbean Sea, which served as the main trade link between the U. S. and Latin America. Finally, widely circulated, factually overblown newspaper articles intended to increase sales brought the public eye to the violence unfolding in Cuba, leaving many clamoring for war. A significant number of Americans wanted to end European colonization in the West so that America could finally shine as a world power, even if it meant a potentially bloody, costly conflict (albeit it was ultimately neither) followed by ruling over or controlling the foreign populations left standing in its wake. A wave of jingoism swept the U. S. in the 1890’s, and many people around the country, including President McKinley himself, wanted Spain removed from the Caribbean so that the U. S. ould become the sole global power in the Western Hemisphere and exert even greater political dominance over Latin America. We will write a custom essay sample on Was the Spanish-American War Justified? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This principle also extended to the Philippines, another Spanish territory, as well; the U. S. viewed the islands as a clear gateway to relations with the Far East. The intention to expand the American sphere of influence appealed primarily to U. S. demands and showed little concern for the welfare of the less developed nations, especially in the case of the Philippines. Nonetheless, the acquisition of territory and consequent extension of power would follow the ability to compete with the rising empires of Europe, causing the spoils of the war to overshadow its inherent selfishness. There were also many possible economic benefits to removing Spain, such as maintaining trade ties formed during the Pan-American Conference of 1889 with Latin American and South American nations as well as reviving the Cuban sugar trade disrupted by the Cuban Revolt in 1895. U. S. nvestors and businessman nonetheless feared they might interfere with precious sources of commerce if they remained in the Caribbean, preventing them from competing on the global market. Additionally, even McKinley considered both the ongoing and potential harm as grounds for declaring war, evidenced by the third point made in his War Message. Much like with its intended political gains, the U. S. was chiefly concerned with its own economic interests in the war, even though Spain was not a thre at to them at all. Once the Cuban Revolt began, yellow journalists, particularly William Randolph Hearst, printed wildly exaggerated stories about the events surrounding it, making the Spanish â€Å"atrocities†appear far worse than they actually were, drawing large numbers of readers’ attention towards the conflict and selling far greater quantities of newspapers. Adding fuel to the fire, a letter written by Spanish diplomat Dupey de Lome which criticized President McKinley, something many people perceived as an insult to national honor because of the way it was presented, was printed in Hearst’s newspaper Journal. The major public outcry, however, emerged from the stories printed about the sinking of the U. S. S. Maine in early 1898, an accident which many newspapers wrongly blamed on Spain. The warped versions of these respective events caused a vast majority of citizens to urge Congress and McKinley to push even harder for war because they finally had proper reasoning to declare war and push Spain out. Ironically, these three accusations were made despite the strong efforts to maintain diplomatic relations between the U. S. and Spain. The falsified pieces of â€Å"evidence†of Spain’s belligerence towards America served as the central basis and, in many cases an excuse, for starting the war, which debases the call to arms even further. Many historians argue that the U. S. took the moral high ground during the war because they set out to end the suffering of the Cuban people at the hands of Spain, citing the crux of McKinley’s War Message. Although this may be true to some extent, the worst of the rebellion had ended by 1898 as the result of a ceasefire agreement and the departure of General Valeriano Weyler; therefore, American interference was needlessly invasive. Some also point to the Teller Amendment as counter-evidence against the imperialistic nature of the war, but, following the war, the Platt Amendment to the Cuban Constitution transformed Cuba from a truly independent nation into a puppet of the U. S. for enforcing the Monroe Doctrine on Europe’s empires. Moreover, the motive to free an oppressed Cuba fails to explain why the U. S. also took action to remove Spain from the Philippines, where no major rebellion was taking place. Although morality may have played some role, its motivational effect was far outweighed by the imperialism and hysteria factors. The major underlying reasons behind the Spanish-American War were simply extensions of the jingoism and slandering journalism trends in the U. S. during the late 19th century. Although the Spanish Empire had no ill will towards America, both the desire to compete internationally and the impulse to intervene in a conflict that was not fully understood were far too powerful. Sources: Resnick, Eugene. Barron’s AP United States History. Hauppauge, New York: Barron’s Education Series, 2012.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Worlds Natural Resources Are Being Consumed At An Alarming Rate. A
The world's natural resources are being consumed at an alarming rate. As these resources diminish, people will be seeking alternative sources by which to generate electricity for heat and light. The only practical short term solution for the energy-crisis is nuclear power. Nuclear power, however is not as safe as burning coal, gas or oil in a factory it is in fact , much more dangerous, There are dangers associated with a nuclear power plant which far out weigh the benefits to society as a whole and in part to the community living and working around the power plant. About 20 percent of our nation's total electrical consumption per year is supplied by nuclear power from the 100 or so nuclear power plants throughout the country. Even though atomic power has been in use for over 50 years it was primarily a tool of war and destruction when the war ended need for atomic bombs diminished. The scientists who created the weapons were out of jobs . They then turned this destructive power into huge plants generating "clean and cheap " electricity for the country. It was called progress. Progress also brought with it sickness, mutations, cancer and event ually death to those exposed to high levels of radiation. Government declared that nuclear power is safe and efficient. Also have big Oil corporations who have a lot of money invested in nuclear power and want to see as many plants as possible put into and kept in operation. The truth is that accidents do happen at nuclear power plants and at other facilities all the time. An accident at a nuclear power plant has the potential to be much more devastating than an accident at a coal or gas plant because of the radiation that could be released. An example of this is Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania where there was a partial core meltdown in march of 1979 and acceptable" amount of radiation escaped into the atmosphere. However no amount of radiation is acceptable if released as a result of an accident at a nuclear power plant . Today many Americans adopt lifestyles that are based on energy in-efficient devices. These include large automobiles and electric appliances that require electricity from energy-intense industrial processes. The public is doing all it can to force nuclear power plants into production by wasting electricity and the resources which are used to produce it ( coal , oil , gas) and by failing to recycle. Nuclear power has been promoted World-wide as economically advantageous and necessary to replace fossil fuels as the means of energy production in the 21st century. However this is untrue. There are many other economically viable and environmentally safe methods of producing energy. These include solar power, hydroelectric power and wind power. Today one fifth of the world's total energy production either comes from either wind, water or solar power. It is estimated that by the year 2000 forty percent of the world's energy production will be from sources other than fossil fuels or nuclear power. It is estimated that to meet, via nuclear power a quarter of the projected U.S. primary power demand in the year 2000 that the US would have to order a new nuclear power plant to be built every five days to compensate for the irradication of the coal, oil and gas powered plants. On the other hand if all U. S. nuclear power plants were shut down now, it would not make any difference at all. The existing electrical backup systems have reserves of power that can more than make up for the loss of the nuclear power plants. The nuclear power plants that are in use today are no more than large plants serving no purpose at all and endangering many peoples lives. With any large energy producing facility there are risks. The risks posed by a nuclear power plant however, are far greater than those posed by any other. Meltdowns, cancer, radiation, mutations and eventually death are all possible end results of the building of a nuclear power plant. Meltdown or the explosion of the main reactor itself can release tons of radioactive particles into the atmosphere. The meltdown of a nuclear power plant
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Famous Quotes About History
Famous Quotes About History We marvel at the ancient architectural wonders that attract tourists the world over. But the essence lies in the history of the foundation. Historys frozen music is like a mute sentinel who helps cultures survive. Victories and failures, traditions and heritage, make history ever changing. Yet history remains the same. Famous Quotes About History Read these famous history quotes and get drawn into the realms of the past. VoltaireHistory is only the register of crimes and misfortunes. Napoleon BonaparteWhat is history but a fable agreed upon? Karl MarxHistory repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. Winston ChurchillHistory is written by the victors. Thomas JeffersonI like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. John Maynard KeynesIdeas shape the course of history. William ShakespeareThere is a history in all mens lives. Mark TwainThe very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice. Henry David ThoreauIt is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that of man. Alexander SmithI go into my library and all history unrolls before me. Robert HeinleinA generation which ignores history has no past and no future. Marshall McLuhanOnly the vanquished remember history. Mohandas GandhiA small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. Stephen CoveyLive out of your imagination, not your history. Martin Luther King, Jr.We are not makers of history. We are made by history. Dwight D. EisenhowerThings have never been more like the way they are today in history.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Microeconomics - Help and Resources for Students
Microeconomics - Help and Resources for Students This page contains links to economics articles on this site. Most of the major topics in microeconomics have at least one article associated with them, but this is a work in progress and more will be added every month. Collective Action - Microeconomics The Logic of Collective Action Costs - Microeconomics How to Understand and Calculate Cost Measures (Note: Includes Marginal Cost, Total Cost, Fixed Cost, Total Variable Cost, Average Total Cost, Average Fixed Cost, and Average Variable Cost.) Demand - Microeconomics What Is The Demand For Money?Price Elasticity of DemandIncome Elasticity of DemandCross-Price Elasticity of DemandCost-Push Inflation vs. Demand-Pull Inflation Economic Scale - Microeconomics Increasing, Decreasing, and Constant Returns to Scale Elasticity - Microeconomics Beginners Guide to ElasticityPrice Elasticity of DemandIncome Elasticity of DemandCross-Price Elasticity of DemandPrice Elasticity of SupplyArc Elasticity Income - Microeconomics The Effect of Income Taxes on Economic GrowthIncome Elasticity of DemandFairTax - Income Taxes vs. Sales Taxes Inflation and Deflation - Microeconomics Cost-Push Inflation vs. Demand-Pull InflationWhy Dont Prices Decline During A Recession?What is Deflation and How Can It Be Prevented? Markets - Microeconomics How Markets Use Information To Set Prices Money - Microeconomics What Was The Gold Standard?What Is The Demand For Money?How Much Is The Per-Capita Money Supply?Why Does Money Have Value?Are Credit Cards a Form of Money?When Stock Prices Go Down, Where Does the Money Go?Expansionary Monetary Policy vs. Contractionary Monetary PolicyWhy Not Just Print More Money? Prices - Microeconomics Price Elasticity of DemandCross-Price Elasticity of DemandPrice Elasticity of SupplyWhy Dont Prices Decline During A Recession?What is Arbitrage?When Stock Prices Go Down, Where Does the Money Go?How Markets Use Information To Set Prices Quotas and Tariffs - Microeconomics Why Are Tariffs Preferable to Quotas?The Economic Effect of Tariffs Short Run vs. Long Run - Microeconomics The Difference Between Short and Long Run Supply - Microeconomics How Much is the Per Capita Money Supply in the U.S.?The Oil SupplyPrice Elasticity of Supply Taxes and Subsidies - Microeconomics The Effect of Income Taxes on Economic GrowthWhy Are Tariffs Preferable to Quotas? Voting Systems - Microeconomics Proportional Representation vs. First-Past-The-Post
Thursday, November 21, 2019
ECONOMICS OF THE UAE Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
ECONOMICS OF THE UAE - Case Study Example Fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas) will remain the most supplied form of energy used throughout the globe. Hence this sector is an important source of economic growth for the gulf region. The structure of labour force also plays an important role in the economic development of any country. The structure of the UAE labour force has been studied in this paper and the pattern of expenditure of their income is investigated to assess the effect of labour force on the GCC economy. This paper analyses six articles on this issue and evaluates the findings to assess the process of economic growth of the GCC region. 1. The development and principal features of an oil economy The article by Issac John, titled, â€Å"Dubai government owned e-commerce website to expand in Gulf†published in Khaleej Times on 20 February 2013, explains this phenomenon. In 2011 GCC had a nominal GDP of US$1.4trilion (QNB, 2013). The economy of the GCC region is based on the oil reserves of the region and till p resent times it is known to have the largest reserves of crude oil in the whole world (approximately 486.8 billion barrels) (Gulfbase, 2013). While the OPEC countries together accounts for 70% of the total known crude oil reserves of the world, the GCC alone represent 35.7% of the total reserve. This region holds the topmost rank in producing and exporting petroleum in the world thereby generally assuming a primary role in the global economy, particularly in the OPEC. The GCC economy has increased in size almost three times in the period between 2002 and 2008. This shows that the seven countries in the GCC region (Ajman, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Al Fujayrah, Sharjah, Ras al Khaymah and Umm al Qaywayn) have reflected spectacular economic growth till mid 2008 (EIA, 2013). GCC countries account for 52% of the total OPEC oil reserves and 49% of the total OPEC crude oil production. The region is continuing its economic reform program, focusing on attracting domestic, regional and foreign privat e sector investment into oil & gas, power generation, telecommunications, and real-estate sectors. However, the slouch in the financial condition around the globe has brought about a slowdown in the economic status of the world which has slowed down the rate of investment in different development projects in this region. However, with the recent efforts made by all countries towards economic recovery is creating a quick rebound in the economic activities in the region (Gulfbase, 2013). According to analysts the combination of sluggish rise in global oil demand and rising market penetration by the non-OPEC countries might have a dampening effect on oil prices thereby limiting profits for the GCC countries in the near future. According to data published by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in June 2010 the quota compliance of UAE with the member countries of OPEC was re-adjusted (Kumar, 2010). Average export price of oil is estimated to rise marginally therefore declining in real terms. Export volumes would expand only by 1% annually till end of the decade. In the progression, contribution from the GCC countries would sum up to half of the total OPEC output and the â€Å"OPEC output as a share of global demand for oil is expected to decline from about 40 percent in 1995 to 37 percent by the end of the decadeâ€
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
A World of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A World of Art - Essay Example 2). On the other hand, there were complaints about the materials used to build it because it clashed with the park. They viewed the metals as being â€Å"an intrusive violation of the natural landscape†(Sayre, 2007, p. 2). Not only did the artwork symbolize emotions of the public, but it also encapsulated the park because its name The Gates goes along with the original creators of the park who envisioned gates at every entrance (Sayre, 2007, p. 3). The point of these examples is to show how an artist may intend for their artwork to be received in one way since it is how they see it, but it is not. Every artist, every individual differs from one another and he or she absorbs, views, creates the world in his or her unique point-of-view. There are as many meanings in art as there are a variety of personalities and beliefs in people. 2. Abstract, or nonobjective, artwork is defined as a nonrealistic illustration that does not portray an established, familiar part of the universe like person, place or thing. In order to classify it, it has to be viewed in terms of brush strokes, color, etc. For example, Westerners find it hard to assign Erna Motna’s painting to landscape because it is abstract (Sayre, 2007, p. 8). Representational, or realistic, in terms of art is defined as describing a work of art that is a universally recognizable dictation by everyone. An example of this would be an illustration of the Empire State Building. Everyone understands this to be a famous part of New York City just by viewing the artwork. The association between the art and a real landmark, person or thing is what makes it representational. Form and content’s meaning can be described as a vital definition of the term art. Form is an element of art, the rules of intention and even items, or tools, an artist uses. It takes on a physical form. Content differs from this in that it is an idea, or expression by the artist. Both function as two parts, or halves of art. A n example of this is Malevich’s painting (Sayre, 2007, p. 11). The term ethnocentric, or ethnocentrism, revolves around the belief that one’s own culture is superior to all others, and this pertains to art in that the artist creates an illustration with the intention of portraying his or her own culture in the best possible light. It is also about how â€Å"different cultures possess different visual conventions and do not easily understand each other’s conventions†(Sayre, 2007, p. 28). Iconography is the science of determining, classifying and understanding specific factors or themes in a piece of visual art. It maintains the artwork’s original meaning rather than it be reaffirmed by current society because current society may not understand the reasoning behind specific elements in the artwork. Iconography studies the visual or symbolic images in the time it was created like in Jan van Eyck’s painting The Marriage of Giovanni Arnolfini an d Giovanna Cenami (Sayre, 2007, p. 31). Photorealism evolved from American Pop Art and it can be defined as art that has been reproduced to mimic photography, or the way a camera captures images. Art by Chuck Close pertains to photorealism. Surrealism was an artistic movement that means using art to portray an expression of the unconscious mind. â€Å"Surrealism is a style of art in which the reality of the dream, or the subconscious mind, is seen as more ‘
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Biblical Worldview Essay Example for Free
Biblical Worldview Essay Introduction In Romans we learn so many aspects of Christian’s life. It tells us how we as Christian’s should view the natural world, our identity and our relationship with others, our culture, and civilization. There is so much more we could learn from this book. In Romans 1-8 we will find that the information in it is so much that we will not get the full meaning of all the things it is saying unless we look deeper into it. Romans 1-8 takes us from our total inability to walk in good works, to God’s faithfulness in justifying, sanctifying, and glorifying us by our faith through God’s grace. The Natural World We all know that God through his own words formed the natural world. God spoke the universe and everything that existence in it. As Christian’s we should know this because as believers, we believe the bible is a revelation of God and that it is not just a book written by human hands. Paul writes in Romans 1:20-21 â€Å"For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by things that made, even in his eternal power and God head, so that they are without excuse, 21- because although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened†. God made everything and he is showing those that disrespect him in his face with their sin himself so that when they know that there is a God and he created everything. Human Identity Our human Identity of who we as a mankind is that we all were made in God’s image. God created us equally, but he also gives us the free will to choose to serve him or not. In Psalm 8:5 it says â€Å"For you have made him a little lower than the angels; and you have crowned him with glory and honor.†And in Genesis 2:15 â€Å"Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.†We have many things that are wrong with us that we can’t fix, so we need Jesus to justify, sanctify, and glorify us. We need all three those that we can be connected to Christ, live life, server him and when we die we will get to enjoy eternal heaven with him, and have everlasting life. Human Relationship In Romans 12:8 it says â€Å"he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he shows mercy, with cheerfulness.†What that verse is saying to all Christians is that our ethic is based all on love. We as humans know that relationships very confusing and are hardest part of life. We all have a sin against own bodies and souls, but it is a sin that is against others who were created in God’s image. If you are going to steal from your neighbor you might as well steal from God. We were all created in his image and we need to love and respect others just like we would God. Culture Paul says in Romans 11 that God will save some in Israel because most of them were elect by the Patriarchs. Romans 12 says as Christians we are to live as a living sacrifice to Christ, while doing all these thing in love and showing our love to others through service. We as believers are to be humble and serve others with joy, as believers we are to work with others to Christ’s redemptive work. Christ is merciful, righteous, sovereign, and just God. He wants us to love another like he loves the world. Conclusion â€Å"No power in the sky above or in the earth below- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord Romans 8:39.†It’s so refreshing to know that I can always count on God to love me. Even when I’m unable to love myself God will. It is a wonderful feeling to know that I can have a relationship with God, where and whatever I do, or say or think will never make him not love me. God will always love and be with me no matter what. God wants us to live for him. He also wants us to lead others to him. References New King James Version Bible (NJKB)
Thursday, November 14, 2019
10 GB Mailboxes! A Revolution in Mailbox Sizes? :: science
10 GB Mailboxes! A Revolution in Mailbox Sizes? It is greatly recommended that you read this article. It may change the current trend in mailboxes. Excerpt: By applying a new saving method in email service providers, the storage space reduces & as a result users can enjoy 10 GB email boxes! (Or even more!) 10 GB Mailboxes! A Revolution in Mailbox Sizes? 1. There are two kinds of emails: Private Emails & Public Emails. Private Emails are the emails you send to your wife, friend or business partner. They should not be read by any other person. Public Emails are the emails that news agencies, news papers, TV channels, corporations, etc. send to their subscribers to tell them about latest news, views, prices, etc. These emails although having same text & content are sent to many persons maybe up to 10,000 or even 100,000. 2. Public Emails are applied for by many users, so many copies of public emails are stored on the hard disk of any internet based email service provider (MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc.) The storing mechanism seems to be like this: Dedicating a folder on the hard disk of an email service provider to each user & storing all emails of users in their specific folders, the contents of which are displayed whenever users sign in their mailboxes & a database verifies their usernames/passwords. Under this mechanism 100,000 same newsletters are stored in 100,000 different folders; if 100,000 users apply for the newsletter. How uneconomic! Just imagine that this mechanism be substituted by another that rely on only one copy of a public email for everyone's use, it will be a giant step in reducing the disk size needed to save data so it will result in much larger mailboxes (probably up to 10 GB ! or even more!) Consider that only one copy of 10 GB sum of emails can be used by all! It will boost mail usage & satisfy users unprecedentedly. 3. A probable solution: Using one shared folder instead of many folders. In this case all the users` emails are stored in one place instead of different places. As a result, the emails that have same title, sender & date (parameters can be added or reduced.) even if received many times are stored only once but a database keeps the records that which emails are sent to whom. In this case when a user signs in & the database verifies username & password, the list of emails & related data that belongs to the user according to database are displayed & whenever the user wants to check his/her emails the database searches for them in the folder & displays to the user.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Cultural Background Paper Essay
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – 2002) defined Culture â€Å"as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society †¦. it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs. †With migrant ethnic groups, they become so far removed from their homeland that their traditions have considerably been altered, are gone, or simply forgotten. It was mostly after World War I, in the 1500s to the 1800s in the Great Migration when most African immigrants were taken against their will to the New World. They were brought in as slaves and their hard work was responsible for the prosperity of the New World. Similarity of African and American Culture. America is a melting pot, where all cultures meet and blend. America is multi-racial because of the continuous influx of foreign migration to American shores. The culturally-diverse population of America makes it a pluralistic society. The Wikipedia (11 Jan 2002) describes Africa as â€Å"one continent with many worlds. †Various ethnic, social and tribal groups make up Africa. Africa is more of a multi-ethnic culture. Contrasts between African and American culture. The difference between Africa and America is on certain significant cultural aspects. African society is male-dominant, where women submit to patriarchal authority. America is more liberal and espouses gender equality. Societal relationship in Africa is familial, very family-oriented even in business. America is individualistic. Food and eating in Africa is a ritual, in America food and eating is a basic need. Behavior, values and norms are often clannish or often dictated by the ethnic group or the clan. America has always been independent. Africa has many languages, America speaks only English. Having been born in America, I have totally embraced the culture that is predominantly American. However, this is not denying my roots and my rich African heritage. On the contrary, I feel that there is something great that people like me can contribute to the mainstream culture. The support system of families, the sharing of trials and triumphs of Africans are cultural strengths that I would rather have than the individualistic ways of America. The equal treatment and opportunities to both sexes of America, to me however is more acceptable than the male-dominant practices in Africa. The similarities in my cultural background and that of the dominant American culture made it easy to integrate to a society that is made up of culturally diverse people. I did not feel isolated or left out because of my color or creed. The similarities and differences of the both cultures had a positive effect on my life. I am shown the strengths and the weakness of each one. The primarily independent-thinking American culture is necessary to make choices and standing by it. It is a trait that I believe in and which I try to be all the time. Food and Eating as rituals and basic needs at the same time are to me necessary for us to enjoy and sustain life. I do not wish to rush all the time and so I take every moment to find meaning in my every action. I believe that my own cultural background has to a certain extent contributed to the mix in the dominant American culture. When the early Africans banded to demand equal rights from a society that was once discriminatory of their race, it showed the world and history what unity can do to push for reforms. That movement has indeed gone a long way. There is respect for cultural diversity and equal opportunities now. In a culturally diverse society such as America, culture exchange flourished. With people of African descent like me in mainstream society, other people became aware of Africa. They got introduced to the sights and sounds, literature, its people, traditions, ways, and everything else. Pretty soon famous African Americans are into government service, entertainment, the academe, the media, and business. I believe that to be the greatest contribution to of the African culture to dominant American culture. I learned of my cultural roots through a conscientious effort on my part. I knew I look different, I knew I belong to a defined group, I knew we had different ways of doing things, practically we have our own culture. I asked my parents about us, about our culture. Our family is one that takes pride on who we are. It became a pleasant, welcomed, and enlightening revelation. I read books about Africa, searched the web for more information and watched movies about Africa. It was a moment of discovery. I connected to our cultural past. I have not let up until today. I still visit sites of Africa and learn more of my forefathers’ homeland. Having lived in America all these years, I know I have developed an entirely new culture that is neither African nor America. It might yet be a blend of both cultures. I may look and sound African, think and act American and I am African American. I have in me the clannish African and the independent American. The influences on me to develop a new culture are varied. Interaction with those people who belong to other dominant cultures, opportunities to experience these other cultures first hand, unconsciously picking up the best in each one and living it are possibly the first ones that come to mind. The world is getting smaller by the day. With the advent of modern means of travel and communications getting in touch is relatively easy. Cultures meet and merge every second, every day. Sources: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/American_culture#Relationship_to_other_countries. 2Fcultures http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Culture_of_Africa
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Effective Teacher Essay
Other studies of the effects of teacher experience on student learning have found a relationship between teachers’ effectiveness and their years of experience (Murnane & Phillips, 1981; Klitgaard & Hall, 1974), but not always a significant one or an entirely linear one. While many studies have established that inexperienced teachers (those with less than three years of experience) are typically less effective than more senior teachers, the benefits of experience appear to level off after about five years, especially 10 in non-collegial work settings (Rosenholtz, 1986). A possible cause of this curvilinear trend in experience effects is that older teachers do not always continue to grow and learn and may grow tired in their jobs. Furthermore, the benefits of experience may interact with educational opportunities. Veteran teachers in settings that emphasize continual learning and collaboration continue to improve their performance (Rosenholtz, 1984). Similarly, very well-prepared beginning teachers can be highly effective. For example, some recent studies of 5-year teacher education programs programs that include a bachelor’s degree in the discipline and master’s in education as well as a year-long student teaching placementâ€â€have found graduates to be more confident than graduates of 4-year programs and as effective as more senior teachers (Andrew & Schwab, 1995; Denton & Peters, 1988). It is also possible that uneven effects of experience in cross-sectional studies can be the result of cohort effects (for example, cohorts of teachers hired in times of shortage may be less well-qualified than those hired when schools can be more selective) or of attrition effects (for example, disproportionate early attrition of more able teachers may leave a less capable senior force on average) (Murnane & Phillips, 1981; Vance & Schlechty, 1982). Presumably, the direction of this effect would change if retention policies kept the most able beginning teachers in the profession. Since experience is also correlated with teacher education and certification status, these variables may be confounded in some analyses.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Fires Of Jubilee Book Report Essay Example
The Fires Of Jubilee Book Report Essay Example The Fires Of Jubilee Book Report Paper The Fires Of Jubilee Book Report Paper It was written in a way that was very easy to understand which made the book that much better. Dates also made sure to reveal to his readers who the mysterious Nat Turner really was. Dates was also the author of the books With Malice Toward None which won the Christopher Award and Let the Trumpet Sound which also won the Christopher Award and the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Book Award. In this book, Dates vividly reenacted the events that fueled Gnats mindset, the events that took place during Nat Turners rebellion, and the effects that it had after. Dates began with an extremely thorough biography of Nat Turner who was born on October 2nd, 1 800 in Southampton County, Virginia. As a child, everyone who met Nat knew that he was a special, for he was very intelligent, religious, literate, and was also believed to be a prophet by many of his fellow slaves. Gnats intelligence was praised by his first master, Benjamin Turner, but not by his son, Samuel Turner, who became Ants new owner after Benjamin had passed and he did not appreciate his intelligence as much. It was also during this time that Nat first began slave work at the age of twelve under Samuel Turner. This was also the first time that he recognized that he was a slave even though he had been led to believe by whites and blacks alike that e would be freed one day because he was so smart. This event in Gnats life could have been first time he developed his resentment toward the white man. From that moment on, Nat performed the same bleak routine for many years. This routine 1 included going to slave praise meetings every Sunday where Nat would listen to a different version of Christianity than what the white preachers told. This alternate version criticized slavery and tried to instigate the blacks into resisting it. These praise meetings could have had a great influence with Gnats resentment towards the white man as well Samuel Turner. These praise meetings also influenced Nat to begin his own ministering religious rants within the slave cabins which became very popular among them. When Nat was twenty-one years old, he stated that he, Having soon discovered to be great, I must appear so, and therefore studiously avoiding mixing in society, and wrapped myself in mystery, devoting myself to fasting and prayer. (pig. 27) In 1819, when the United States experienced a depression and Samuel Turner died, Elizabeth, Samuels wife, was forced to sell some of the slaves, as well as Nat Turner. Nat was fortunate enough to be able to stay in Southampton County and he was sold to one Thomas Moore. Gnats new master was an ambitious man who hoped to make it big in his neighborhood. He was not a cruel master but he worked himself and his field hands very hard in an effort to achieve his dream. In the summer of 1825, Nat began to have visions that assured him adjustments Day was approaching. When the slaves heard of his visions, they were astonished, even though they expected to one day hear this news from the prophet. On the other hand, the white people did not pay much attention to Nat because for one, he was a slave, and two, he was not a certified preacher. On May 12, 1828, Nat had the most significant vision of all. He recalled, I heard a loud noise in the heavens and the Spirit instantly appeared to me and said the Serpent was 2 loosened, and Christ had laid down the yoke he had borne for the sins of men, and that I should take it on and fight against the Serpent, for the time was fast approaching when the first should be the last and the last should be the first. (pig. 41) This was the message from God that Nat had searched for. All he had to do now was wait for a sign from God on when to begin. In February, 1831 Nat confided his plan for insurgence in four slaves whom he rusted, Hark, Nelson, Henry, and Sam. On Sunday August, 21 Gnats lieutenants, accompanied by Jack Reese and Will Francis, sat at Cabin Pond and awaited the prophet. When Nat arrived he assured them that they would kill all the white people that night. (pig. 67) Gnats Rebellion began at around am, Monday morning with their first attack to be the Travis house. The insurgents killed all the members of the Travis family, including the Travis baby. After this, Dates recounts all the gruesome slaughters that took place during Gnats Rebellion including Elizabeth Turner, John Barrow, and the only arson that Nat killed throughout the entire insurgence, Margaret Whitehead The following day, Nat rode to the Blunt plantation to attempt to gain more followers but was shocked to find gunshots coming from the home when the arrived. Nat decided to retreat to the forest because most of Gnats men had disappeared or were injured but once there, found the militia waiting for heir The militia viciously attacked the insurgents leaving the remainders of them scattered and three of them dead, including Will Francis. This finally caused the rebellion to subdue. Meanwhile the Southampton community was in a Tate of confusion and panic wondering why had their slaves rebelled and if they were still a threat? Many furious whites decided to take 3 matters into their own hands seek revenge On any black person they saw. There was also a $500 reward for anyone who brought the prophet to the Southampton County Jail, which fueled the manhunt even more. Although many stories stated that Nat had fled the state, he had actually never left Southampton County. On October 3rd, Nat was finally captured by Benjamin Phipps, a farmer who happened to stumble upon Nat. The next day as Nat was being escorted to a Jerusalem Courthouse, he ironically kept his head led high then entire time in front of the large white crowd. In the courthouse, Nat stood before court justices, James Treatment and James W. Parker, who sought to question him. In the interrogation, Nat stated that he was the man in charge of insurrection and omens that God had presented him to see. Although whites did not know how to react to Gnats interrogation many whites agreed that, as perfect a state of fanatical delusion as ever wretched man suffered. (pig. 1 1 9) Thomas Gray, a defender of some of the other insurgents, wanted to interview Nat before his trial date. On Tuesday, November 3rd Gray went to interview Nat for three days and came up with the conclusion that even though he though Nat was engulfed with his religious fantasies he did not think of him as ignorant or a coward. (pig. 12, On November 5th, Nays trial date, Nat was found guilty and on Friday, November 1 1 , Nat was hung. Southern whites desperately wanted to blame Gnats Rebellion the northern abolitionists but in reality, the North had no direct correlation with the insurgence. Southerners more specifically wanted( to link it to William Lloyd Garrisons Liberator and David Walkers Appeal to he Colored Citizens of the World, no evidence exists that slaves ever got a chance to even know about these documents.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Omo Kibish (Ethiopia) - Oldest Known Early Modern Human
Omo Kibish (Ethiopia) - Oldest Known Early Modern Human Omo Kibish is the name of an archaeological site in Ethiopia, where was found the earliest examples of our own hominin species, about 195,000 years old. Omo is one of several sites found within the ancient rock formation called Kibish, itself along the Lower Omo River at the base of the Nkalabong Range in southern Ethiopia. Two hundred thousand years ago, the habitat of the lower Omo River basin was similar to what it is today, although moister and less arid away from the river. Vegetation was dense and a regular supply of water created a mix of grassland and woodland vegetation. Omo I Skeleton Omo Kibish I, or simply Omo I, is the partial skeleton found from Kamoya’s Hominid Site (KHS), named after the Kenyan archaeologist who discovered Omo I, Kamoya Kimeu. The human fossils recovered in the 1960s and in the early 21st century include a skull, several pieces from the upper limbs and shoulder bones, several bones of the right hand, the lower end of the right leg, a piece of the left pelvis, fragments of both lower legs and the right foot, and some rib and vertebrae fragments. The body mass for the hominin has been estimated at approximately 70 kilograms (150 pounds), and although it is not certain, most evidence indicates Omo was female. The hominin stood somewhere between 162-182 centimeters (64-72 inches) tallthe leg bones are not sufficiently intact enough to give a closer estimate. The bones suggest Omo was a young adult at the time of her death. Omo is currently classified as anatomically modern human. Artifacts with Omo I Stone and bone artifacts were found in association with Omo I. They included a variety of vertebrate fossils, dominated by birds and bovids. Nearly 300 pieces of flaked stone were found in the vicinity, predominantly fine-grained crypto-crystalline silicate rocks, such as jasper, chalcedony, and chert. The most common artifacts are debris (44%) and flakes and flake fragments (43%). A total of 24 cores was found; half the cores are Levallois cores. Primary stone tool making methods used at KHS produced Levallois flakes, blades, core-trimming elements, and pseudo-Levallois points. There are 20 retouched artifacts, including an ovate handaxe, two basalt hammerstones, sidescrapers, and backed knives. Over the area a total of 27 artifact refits have been found, suggesting a potential slope wash or north-trending sediment slump before the sites burial or some purposeful stone knapping/tool discard behaviors. Excavation History Excavations in the Kibish formation were first conducted by the International Palaeontological Research Expedition to the Omo Valley in the 1960s led by Richard Leakey. They found several ancient anatomically modern human remains, one of them the Omo Kibish skeleton. In the early 21st century, a new international team of researchers returned to Omo and found additional bone fragments, including a femur fragment which conjoined with a piece collected in 1967. This team also conducted Argon isotope dating and modern geological studies that identified the age of the Omo I fossils as 195,000 /- 5,000 years old. The Lower Valley of the Omo was inscribed to the World Heritage List in 1980. Dating Omo The earliest dates on the Omo I skeleton were quite controversialthey were uranium-series age estimates on Etheria freshwater mollusk shells that provided a date of 130,000 years ago, which in the 1960s was deemed too early for Homo sapiens. Serious questions arose in the latter half of the 20th century about the reliability of any dates on mollusks; but in the early 21st century Argon dates on the strata in which Omo lay returned ages between 172,000 and 195,000, with the most likely date nearer 195,000 years ago. A possibility then arose that Omo I had been an intrusive burial into an older layer. Omo I was finally direct-dated by laser ablation elemental Uranium, Thorium, and Uranium-series isotope analysis (Aubert et al. 2012), and that date confirms its age as 195,000/- 5000. In addition, a correlation of the makeup of the KHS volcanic tuff to the Kulkuletti Tuff in the Ethiopian Rift Valley indicates the skeleton is likely aged 183,000 or older: even that is 20,000 years older than the next oldest AMH representative in the Herto formation also in Ethiopia (154,000-160,000). Sources This definition is part of the Guide to the Middle Paleolithic. Assefa Z, Yirga S, and Reed KE. 2008. The large-mammal fauna from the Kibish Formation. Journal of Human Evolution 55(3):501-512.Aubert M, Pike AWG, Stringer C, Bartsiokas A, Kinsley L, Eggins S, Day M, and Grà ¼n R. 2012. Confirmation of a late middle Pleistocene age for the Omo Kibish 1 cranium by direct uranium-series dating. Journal of Human Evolution 63(5):704-710.Brown FH, McDougall I, and Fleagle JG. 2012. Correlation of the KHS Tuff of the Kibish Formation to volcanic ash layers at other sites, and the age of early Homo sapiens (Omo I and Omo II). Journal of Human Evolution 63(4) la Torre I. 2004. Omo Revisited: Evaluating the Technological Skills of Pliocene Hominids. Current Anthropology 45(4):439-466.McDougall I, Brown FH, and Fleagle JG. 2005. Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia. Nature 433:733-736.McDougall I, Brown FH, and Fleagle JG. 2008. Sapropels and the age of hominins Omo I and II, Kibish, Ethiopia. Journal of Human E volution 55(3):409-420. Pearson OM, Royer DF, Grine FE, and Fleagle JG. 2008. A description of the Omo I postcranial skeleton, including newly discovered fossils. Journal of Human Evolution 55(3):421-437.Rightmire GP. 2008. Homo in the Middle Pleistocene: Hypodigms, variation, and species recognition. Evolutionary Anthropology 17(1):8-21.Shea JJ. 2008. The Middle Stone Age archaeology of the Lower Omo Valley Kibish Formation: excavations, lithic assemblages, and inferred patterns of early Homo sapiens behavior. Journal of Human Evolution 55(3):448-485.Sisk ML, and Shea JJ. 2008. Intrasite spatial variation of the Omo Kibish Middle Stone Age assemblages: Artifact refitting and distribution patterns. Journal of Human Evolution 55(3):486-500.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Premise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Premise - Essay Example Currently, researchers cannot establish the exact numbers. Nonetheless, it is evident that the number of lives lost due to infections is significant (Draelos, 2011). In the existing literature, a connection has been established between hand-hygiene and the number of hospital acquired infections. Essentially, compliance to hand-hygiene reduces the number of hospital related infections. Nonetheless, the available literature fails to clarify how a hand hygiene program seeking to enhance compliance to relevant practises such as washing and gelling after each patient would affect the rate hospital related infection. This retrospective study will provide vital insight as to the extent that such a program can reduce the rate of hospital related infections. The inferences of the statistical result would enable medical practitioners to alter their program appositely so that they are effective in curbing hospital related infections (Fraise, Maillard & Sattar, 2009). Based on what is emphasized in the program medical practitioners will determine with considerable certainty the factors which cause infections in hospitals. The lack of scholarly work on the connection between hygiene programs and infections in hospitals makes the study important. It will contribute positively to the medical discourse since it will provide a theoretical background for doctors to undertake certain measures to deal with hospital infections (Salama et al. 2013). Overall, the study will investigate an area, which the medical discipline has overlooked, yet hospital related infections lead to a significant amount of deaths. The study will establish the connection between hand-hygiene programs and hospital acquired infections. This retrospective study will focus on the practitioners’ adherence to the recommended practises with regard to hand-hygiene (Bhattacharyya, 2009). Therefore, the research is hinged upon the hypothesis that observing basic hand-hygiene
Friday, November 1, 2019
Managing Sport Venues & Facilities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Managing Sport Venues & Facilities - Assignment Example A year after the official opening day, they will check to see if they reached their goal of establishing a customer base of 3,750. At least 2,000 of the memberships should be those people ranging from 29 to 45 years of age. They also plan to monitor the changing demographics of their consumers by means of the marketing surveys and membership forms they plan to distribute. The marketing strategy that will be implemented to accomplish their objectives is a market-penetration strategy. In the marketing setting of this facility, they are trying to penetrate an existing market with an existing product. Initially, their strategy will take on the sole dimension of attracting customers and then become more of a repeat-purchase strategy; however, they will continually give effort toward increasing the consumer base. The most difficult aspect of this marketing strategy will be to attract customers to their first visit. In order to establish a consumer base, they plan to initiate a promotional campaign during the first month of operation. This campaign will be geared toward the entire target market with the incentive that if someone brings a friend, he or she can buy two, one-year memberships for the price of one. They will also facilitate this promotion by launching an advertisement campaign using a large banner on the front of the Average Pim's Gym Health and Fitness Club to introduce the idea and local advertising in the newspaper to broadcast it. This campaign will foster word-of- mouth and bring-a-friend types of advertising, which is very cost-efficient. To meet the challenge of establishing a consumer base of 2,000 from the baby boomers' segment of the market, they will target them specifically with some promotions and programs. They plan to initiate exercise and aerobic programs geared only toward them because people enjoy exercising with people their own age. There are also plans to promote social gatherings like holiday parties on their behalf to foster friendships. Finally, they plan to conduct a market research survey targeted at customers. The aim of these surveys will be specific to their needs and wants, in order to help generate ideas and solutions to increase the consumer base and service level. 5. Do you think that they have missed anything important in their marketing strategies If we
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Article Critique - Essay Example According to the article, the effectiveness of the public relations in schools raises the persistence and achievement of students. The achievement of students is influenced by the involvement of parents in school, and the schools that encourage high level of involvement of parents perform better as compared to their counterparts. When parents remain unaware of the behavior of their children in school, they find it difficult to ensure whether their children are performing well in schools. With the involvement of parents in schools, the students feel responsible and the parents are able to keep track of the progress of the students in schools. Thus, an effective balance is created through public relations in schools. The author has used numerous secondary sources in order to add concreteness in the article. The author provides this information in the literature review part of the article and the sources of the information are also provided. Thus, it can be said that the information pro vided in the article can be relied upon and the sources used by the author are authentic. Schools that depends only on teachers are limited to the knowledge base that are brought by the teachers, however schools that utilize public relations and bring people from different aspects of the society in classrooms enrich the knowledge base of students. ... Parents from working-class or lower-class tend to turn over the responsibility for their children’s education to the school completely. The involvement of parents in schools may mobilize and create resources that are not generated otherwise. The resources like the knowledge of local traditions and customs that could be useful to students are held by the community and the faculty at schools may lack this knowledge. Therefore, by using public relations, schools can involve the representatives of the community in the system of education and enrich the education experience of the students. With the involvement in schools, parents would be able to understand what resources are necessary for the improvement of the education of their children thus parents would be able to help the schools in pooling the resources. The close contact of teachers with the families of the students will also help the teachers understand the background of the students and in this manner the teachers will b etter understand the students’ behavior. The article highlights one of the main issues with public relations in schools, that is, the power relations. The minority parents are not involved in the schools therefore they do not have their say with regard to the improvement of the educational system at schools. The opinion of the powerful parents is given more importance therefore their opinion dominates over the opinion of the minority parents. This is one of the problems with the public relations in schools. The article also highlights that schools do not provide opportunities for empowering students in the society. The traditional curriculum focuses mainly on the transmission of knowledge but not on development of the personality of the students. The public relations in schools can be
Sunday, October 27, 2019
First Case of Forensic Dentistry in American Justice
First Case of Forensic Dentistry in American Justice Xavier Riaud Story of the first identification in forensic dentistry endorsed by the American justice Summary: In 1849, Webster killed Parkman. The latter’s body had never been found but his dental prostheses had. Webster was arrested and was prosecuted for the murder. The analysis of the dental prostheses carried out by Parkman’s personal dentist, positively identified the aforementioned prostheses and which immediately condemned Webster to death. This was the first case of identification in forensic dentistry which was endorsed by American courts. Key Words : Forensic dentistry, history, justice. Georges Parkman was born in 1790. He studied medicine at Harvard Medical College in 1813. He travelled in Europe in search of knowledge and improvement [4]. It was a profoundly humanistic medicine that he discovered with the pioneers of medicine who devoted as much time to their patients’ well-being as to therapeutics, strictly speaking. Upon his arrival home, he undertook to put into practice everything that he learned on the old continent. However, in Boston, he came up against the medical lobby which did not want to disrupt its habits. Disappointed, he decided to distance himself with the medical world and took over his father’s business when the latter died in 1835. Parkman made a fortune in real estate and pawnbroking. He became an influential citizen in the life of the city of Boston. During almost 40 years, Parkman and Webster were colleagues at the Massachussetts Medical College. In 1849, Webster was a chemist professor who had been teaching there for 25 years. He got into debt with Parkman. He owed him the tidy sum of 2432 $. On November 23 1849, it was said that Parkman had come to see his colleague in his laboratory. Nobody saw him again. It was Ephraà ¯m Littlefield, the university attendant who found the remains of a body of stout build which was supposedly close to that of the businessman. On November 30, the police decided to carry out a search in Webster’s chemistry laboratory and discovered the remains of a human being’s dentures, gold and charred fragments. Webster was immediately arrested for murder. The trial started on March 19 1850 and lasted 12 days. Webster was sentenced to death. He was hung on August 30 1850. The victim’s identity was proved thanks to the body’s teeth. Indeed, during the trial, Parkman’s dentist, Dr Nathan C. Keep (1800-1875) and his assistant Dr Lester Noble, proved that two pieces of evidence, in this case a block of mineral teeth and a part of marked set, were the remains of dentures made and fitted by Keep himself [2]. Those two elements perfectly adapted to a plaster cast of the defunct’s mandible that the practitioner had kept in his office and on which could be read  «Dr Geo Parkman 1846 » written by Noble. The dentures were fitted on November 4 1846. A few days later, the practitioner had to grind down the part of the dentures which was close to the tongue in order to give it more space. This grinding left traces which did not leave any doubts as far as Parkman’s death was concerned. Here is Dr Nathan Cooley Keep’s deposition at John Webster’s trial [5]. â€Å"I am a dental-surgeon and I have been practicing this occupation for thirty years in this city. (†¦) I knew Dr Georges Parkman. I met him in 1825 when I was studying medicine with Dr John Randall. Dr Parkman was sick at that time and Dr Randall treated him. I also treated him several times at his place. In 1825, I became his favourite dentist and he often sought me for treatments or dental pieces of advise [5]. On December 3, Dr Lewis showed me mineral teeth while I had just returned home from a trip to Springfield. I immediately recognized the teeth that I had made for Parkman in 1846. (†¦) Parkman’s mouth was very special, so much so regarding its shape and junction between the top and bottom of his lower jaw that I remembered it really well. I remember all its characteristics. The making of his dentures was definitely unusual. When M. Parkman ordered his new teeth, he asked me how long it would take before he would receive them. I asked him why. He answered that the university of medicine was about to open and that for this particular occasion, there would be a ceremony during which he would be asked to deliver a speech.(†¦) That left me little time but I did my best to meet the deadlines. The distinctive identity of his mouth was so marked that I had to use all my knowledge of the matter. (†¦) As usual, I started by taking prints of the patient’s mouth. I got a perfect reproduction of his mouth by applying soft wax on a piece of iron to lower the jaw, then by pressing all this against his jaw until the wax was cold. The mould was thus ready. I oiled it and poured plaster inside. 10 minutes later, the plaster was hard and it allowed me to obtain a perfect reproduction of the dental arcades. The mould of the mandible showed four natural teeth and three residual roots. The next step was the making of metallic plates which fitted his gums on which I fixed new teeth. First, I made transitional plates that I tried myself. They were generally made in copper or in another soft metal by carrying out a metallic print that I applied with pressure thanks to plaster moulds. The copper which served to the making of those plates was placed between the moulds and sufficient pressure had to be carried out to acquire the negative of the plaster mould. Those plates were transposed in the mouth to have a try. If they fitted well, that meant that the mould was good and that the gold plates of the final devices could be made. (†¦) Dr Parkman had no natural tooth by the jawbone [5]. (†¦) Once the plates were tried, the gold plates were made and fitted in the patient’s mouth. As I had reproduced the two jaws separately, one should position them together in order to make sure whether they corresponded. For that purpose, I applied wax on the teeth and made the patient bite into it. Plaster was poured on the prints of the bitten part and thus, the moulds could be set up. (†¦) The meshing of the two jaws was very particular. The escape of the jawbone and the projection of the mandible was highly significant which resulted into an abnormally long chin. Then, teeth with the proper length were fixed on gold plates. These teeth as well as the fake gum were made in clay and were placed in moulds for them to cook and to set. (†¦) The shape of Parkman’s mouth made it very difficult. As for the device of the jawbone, the teeth were made in only one block which was cut into three parts at the level of the canines before the cooking. (†¦) Those three blocks adapted to only one plate. It was likewise for the upper part. The two sets were linked together with spiral springs allowing the patient to open and close his mouth and which kept the dentures from moving. The teeth were fixed to them thanks to platinum pins. Following an incident, my assistant and I had to start all over again. We only finished 30 minutes before the ceremony. †The hearing was asked to be adjourned following a fire alert in the prosecuter’s office. Very soon, the hearing resumed. â€Å"Not being sure that I had finished everything, I asked Dr Parkman to come back [5]. He complained of the fact that he did not have enough space for his tongue. I filed the inside of the dentures near the tongue in order to gain space. I also removed the pink of the gums and the enamel inside the teeth causing insignificant aesthetic damage. Very regularly, I saw my patient again to carry out the care and the needed repairing. The last time I saw him dated back to two weeks before his disappearance. He had broken a spring and had called late at night so that I could repair it. It was around 10 (†¦). I spent half an hour to recondition everything. It was the last I had seen him in my office. I left the town on November 28 and came back the following Monday. It was then that I heard about his disappearance. Upon my return, Dr Lewis showed me those three pieces of mineral teeth (referring to the fragments found in the oven) [5]. At first glance, I noticed the similarity with the work I had done for Dr Parkman. The most recognizable part was the right mandibular block. I recognized its shape and outline which oddly looked like that I had worked on for such a long time. Several other parts had been severely damaged by the fire. Therefore, I naturally fell back on the conception models of the said dentures. Comparing the best preserved piece, I did not have doubts anymore. It was definitely my patient. There was at least enough matter to be able to determine where the fragments came from. This one came from the upper right jaw, that one from the left and the third one from the central part of the same jaw. The lower left jaw was almost complete. The part which was hooked on it seemed to be the right part by deduction. This last piece came from the same dentures and the other parts corresponded to the remaining free space. Only a piece remained unidentified. It could have been the small piece of the front of the mandible. Thus, I identified the position of 5 pieces out of 6. Only one unknown piece remained. That gave us the 6 parts of the dentures. I also found the platinum teeth still hooked on the teeth. I also found gold fragments and tiny portions of bones more or less caught in the teeth. It was highly likely that the prostheses went in the oven when they were still in the defunct’s mouth. Mineral teeth thrown into the fire, but preserved in the mouth, are impregnated with humidity which quitely evaporates. If they had not been in his mouth and had been brutally thrown into the fire, they would have torn to shreds. Another fact which confirmed that they were in his mouth is that the springs would have propelled them everywhere had they not been confined. When we put the teeth back, the blocks were combined together like now. †To a question from a member of the jury, Dr Keep answered: â€Å"The handwriting featuring on Parkman’s moulds was written during the making of the dentures. Then, those moulds remained in my cellar. I mainly kept them in anticipation of resulting incidents during the making of the protheses [5].†His deposition finished this way:â€Å"Dr Parkman had no unitary teeth. As natural teeth, he only had a tooth and two roots on the left side and three teeth and a root on the right side. On the left, starting from the back, there first of all was two roots and a tooth (canine) and on the right, still starting from the back, the root (2nd premolar), then three teeth (1st premolar, canine, lateral incisive). (†¦)†Nathan Keep was born on December 23 in Longmeadow, in Massachussetts [2]. Gifted with his hands, he soon got interested in dentistry after being a local jeweller’s apprentice. In 1821, he went to Boston. In 1827, he graduated from Harvard Medical School. He practiced dentistry during 40 years. He was praised for his skills. In 1843, he graduated from Baltimore College of Dental Surgery and received the honorary titles of doctor in dental surgery. Keep invented numerous dental instruments and was one of the first to make porcelain teeth. Keep was also the first doctor to have used ether anesthesia for deliveries, notably on April 7 1847 during the birth of Fanny Longfellow’s daughter. He attended John Webster’s trial, Georges Parkman’s murderer. It was the first time that dental work served as evidence during a trial in the United States. In 1867, the first announcement of the creation of the Harvard Dental School was published. Nathan became its first dean which seemed natural given the unweary steps the dentist took to see the school opening its doors. Keep’s dream came true and thus, Harvard became the first dental school of the world evolving within a university. His decisions from an administrative point of view showed his admirable nature and his remarkable moral values. Robert T. Freeman was a Black man. He was one of the sons of a slave family. He postulated without success to many dental schools in order to study, he arrived in Boston and asked to meet Dean Keep. On Keep’s recommendation, Harvard University decided that colour or birth could not be an issue anymore regarding students’ admission. Therefore, Robert T. Freeman was accepted at the age of 22 and graduated in 1869. He was the first African American student to graduate from a dental school. Thus, Keep’s motto became â€Å"Justice and right above conveniences†. His action in Freeman’s case put forward his qualities as leader which significantly established an aura of morality and justice which still has an influence on the university [2]. Nathan Cooley Keep died in 1875. A statue pays tribute to his paramount role in the foundation of Harvard dental school. It is located in the gardens of the school. Fig. 1 Dr Nathan Cooley Keep (1800-1875) [3]. Fig. 2 A plaster cast of Dr Georges Parkman’s mandible (1846) [3]. Bibliography: [1] Campbell JM. Professor J. W. Webster eliminates Dr George Parkman. Dent. Mag. Oral Topics June 1958; 75(2): 73-80. [2] No author. Nathan Cooley Keep. 2006: 1-2. Available from: [3] No Author. Harvard Medical School. 1867 1870. Available from: [4] No Author. Murder at Harvard: people events (Dr Georges Parkman (1790-1849)). 1999-2003: 1-2. Available from: [5] No Author. American experience – Murder at Harvard – Primary sources: Identifying evidence: false teeth. 1999-2003 : 1-6. Available from: [6] Riaud X. Les dentistes dà ©tectives de l’histoire [The dentists, detectives of history]. Paris: L’Harmattan, Collection Mà ©decine à travers les sià ¨cles [Medicine throughout centuries collection]; 2007.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Alexander The Greats Struggles :: essays research papers
Alexander The Great’s Struggles Alexander the Great was most likely the greatest leader ever. His tactics and reasoning are still studied all over the world even after 2,000 years ago. Being a teenager from a divorced family and forced to rule at such a young age intensely impacted Alexander’s Life. According to records, he was said to be a heavy drinker and because of his mother’s excessive praise, believed himself to be a god. His loyalty, ego, and ambitions are a few of his life struggles that are still scrutinized today. Â Â Â Â Â Alexander was very loyal to his country and parents. When he was still a young teenager, his father gave him the task of ruling the small region of Pella. This allowed Alexander to prove to his father that he could be a competent ruler. When Alexander and his father, Philip, fought Macedonia, Philip was surrounded. Alexander bravely jumped in and saved his father from sure death. Alexander demonstrated loyalty to his mother by staying with her through her exile from Philip. This showed how much pulling and tugging went on to win Alexander’ favor that enviably killed Phillip by not knowing who to be loyal to. Upon their return three years later, Alexander’s mother requested to be allowed to rule with him, once Alexander became king. She knew that would be the only way she could regain power. When Alexander turned twenty, his father was brutally murdered by Alexander’s friend. This demonstrated once again how loyal Alexander was to his father, and how difficult a decision it was to pick sides between his father and mother. Â Â Â Â Â Alexander had a strong ego beginning at birth. Even from the cradle, his mother taught him that he was a god, so he grew up believing it was true. There were many reasons why Alexander’s mother believed him to be a god. When he was born, earthquakes shook the ground, there was a comet, two eagles perched, and lightning a temple and burned it to the ground. She believed those were signs from the gods. When Alexander was just a young buy, he went into the woods and killed a mountain lion with his bare hands to prove he was a god. This act convinced almost everyone that was Alexander indeed, was a god. Aristotle, his teacher for many years, said that Alexander had one of the greatest minds ever. He taught Alexander to trust no one and to learn how to be alone because one day, he would.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethics, Fairness, and Trust in Negotiations Essay
Discuss two of the following statements then respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Try to respond to students who picked different statements. * Discuss how skills in ethics, fairness, and trust can be a part of the negotiation process even though some negotiation tactics challenge those values. * Identify the Five Bases for Trust and explain why they are important in the negotiation process. Describe Kant’s Ethics of Principle and Mill’s Ethics of Consequences philosophies and discuss which theory you would be more incline to use in a negotiating situation. Kant’s and Mill’s philosophies are a means to identify ethical means to guide parties to a successful negotiation. They are two separate school of thoughts in ethics. Kant believes that moral rightness should overcome and minimize self-interest, feelings, or empirical fact. Kant’s moral principle is based on pure reason. He states that basic ethical principles aren’t â€Å"empirical†(from sense experience). Ethics gives necessary truths that hold for all rational beings. In other words feelings whether personal, rational or irrational or sentimental should not be involved in ethical reasoning. He believes that ethics based on reason is needed more than self-interest motivation because such motivation can lead to violation of duty. Such motives lessen our moral worth; the highest motive is to do our duty, not from ulterior motives, but just because it’s the right thing to do. Kant supreme moral principle is to act as if your action would become a universal law and to treat yourself and others as an end it itself not the means to an end (Gensler, 1998). On the other side, Mill’s philosophy is based on pure utilitarianism (self-interest). Utilitarianism says that the basic moral principle is that we should to do whatever promotes the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Mill equated happiness with pleasure. But not all pleasures have equal value; higher pleasures of the mind are better than lower pleasures of the body. Mill’s view is purely hedonistic in nature. The basic idea of his philosophy is that any intrinsic value is based on pleasure which equals to happiness and we should all strive for it. There are however different values of pleasures in his view. The highest pleasures are more valuable than lower ones. For example, the pleasures of learning things and of helping others are more valuable than the pleasures of eating and drinking. We can decide which pleasures are more valuable by looking to the consensus of experienced observers. Utilitarianism says that actions are right if they promote the greatest happiness for the greatest number. This is the basic principle of ethics of Mill’s philosophy, and the foundation of morality. In applying the principle, the happiness of everyone is equal. We should all strive for our own individual happiness. So, as a group, we try to obtain the happiness of all in the group and this is the basic foundation of the utilitarian principle (Gensler, 1998). The two individual principles are equality attractive in the negotiation process and I can see the benefits of both of them. However, I believe that Kant had the right idea. If we are using either idea as a guide in the negotiation it is best to go for a more moralistic point of view than utilitarianism. I believe when we only think of self interests we lose sight of the true objective and purpose of the negotiation. Source Gensler, H.J. (1998). Ethics: A Contemporary Introduction. London and New York: Routledge. Retrieve online at Discuss the Functionalist Model, Mutual Trust Principle, and the test for meeting procedural fairness of a negotiation. The Functionalist Model is about procedural fairness in a negotiation. The model refers to the bargaining as a voluntary process and the purpose is to reach an agreement. Also, the concept of the model refers to behaviors that threaten reaching an agreement are also threats to the purpose of the negotiation. In this the negotiation process is adversarial and bargaining tricks and tactics are used to gain information and advantages (Carrell, 2008). The Mutual Trust Principle refers to the procedural fairness in trust building in a negotiation. The idea is to build trust early in the beginning of the negation process. In other word to treat others as you would want to be treated. Your actions speak louder than word has a lasting effect on how you are perceived and how you perceived others. The appropriate behaviors in this principle to build trust is exhibits the same trust worthy attitude when you are gathering information about the other party by asking friends, associates, and contacts. It is appropriate and expected that you would make an unrealistically opening demand and hide your real position. It would be appropriate and expected behavior that you give an open impression of non-adversarial and confrontational. The misrepresentation of facts and lying in a negotiation are inappropriate behaviors. To falsely threaten or promise things with no ability to deliver and use confidential information by bribery is unfair and inappropriate (Carrell, 2008). The test for meeting procedural fairness of a negotiation is to ask yourself the following standard questions: * Reciprocity standardâ€â€would you want to be treated in this way? * Universality standardâ€â€would you advise others to behave this way? * Publicity standardâ€â€would you like to see the actions in the press? * Trusted friend standardâ€â€would you tell your friend of your actions? * Legacy standardâ€â€do you want to be remembered for acting in this way? Source Carrell, M.R. & Heavrin, C. (2008). Negotiating essentials: Theory, skills, and practices. Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 978-0-13-186866-3
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
“Eve’s Diary†by Mark Twain Essay
â€Å"Eve’s Diary†is a satirical account of the days in the Garden of Eden. Twain recounts the well-known tale of Genesis through a series of journal entries written by Adam and Eve; these personal accounts make for an entertaining and thought-provoking read. Twain’s personifications of gender stereotypes are easily identified but lead the reader into a further exploration of Twain’s deeper purpose. Twain’s writing style explicates the paradoxical relationship between men and women. Furthermore, Adam and Eve’s conflicting perspectives within the journal entries provide an illustration of their magnetic reliance on one another, despite their polar differences. The story begins with Eve on the day after her creation; Twain creates a tone of despair as Eve ponders her situation and existence. â€Å"That is what I AM-an experiment; just an experiment, and nothing more†(Twain 10). As Eve deducts that there must be a counterpart to her existence, her disposition abruptly changes from anguish to optimism. Through this character development, Twain portrays companionship as Eve’s salvation and furthermore, mocks the modern idea of the contingency of a woman’s survival on that of a man’s. Eve’s perception changes as abruptly as her disposition. Once her mind is at ease, she becomes conscious and appreciative of her surroundings. â€Å"This majestic new world is indeed a most noble and beautiful work. And certainly marvelously near to being perfect, notwithstanding the shortness of the time†(Twain 14). Twain uses Eve’s passionate and enthusiastic mentality as a personification of the model of femini nity according to nineteenth century stereotypes. The diction and timing of Adam’s introduction exaggerates Eve’s naivety and sets a precedent for Twain’s exploration of their paradoxical relationship. Eve’s entry reads, â€Å"All the week I tagged around after him and tried to get acquainted. I had to do the talking, because he was shy, but I didn’t mind it. He seemed pleased to have me around, and I used the sociable ‘we’ a good deal, because it seemed to flatter him to be included†(Twain 35). Though it is told from Eve’s perspective, Twain wants the reader to negate Eve’s idealization when reading of her interactions with Adam. When one does so, Adam’s annoyance with Eve is apparent. In addition, Twain makes a considerable effort to portray Adam as haughty, cynical, and drastically unattached in comparison to Eve; Twain uses Adam as a personification of stereotypical conception of masculinity. â€Å"During the last day or two I have taken all the work of naming things off his hands, and this has been a great relief to him, for he has no gift in that line, and is evidently very grateful†(Twain 178). If interpreted in the manner Twain intended, it is clear that Adam has no concern with naming the creatures and is equally indifferent towards Eve. Twain develops these satirical personifications even further to serve two slightly less superficial purposes. Twain uses these conceptions to delve into the profound relationship between men and women but also to denounce them through his diction. Twain’s defiance begins with his decision to give Eve, a woman, the predominant voice in the narrative. He shows further disregard for popular opinion when he tells of the creation of fire. â€Å"I had created something that didn’t exist before; I had added a new thing to the world’s uncountable properties; I realized this, and was proud of my achievement, and was going to run and find him and tell him about it, thinking to raise myself in his esteem-but I reflected, and did not do it. No-he would not care for it†(Twain 67). Twain’s decision to credit such a pivotal aspect of human survival to a woman exhibits either an immense reverence for women or a severe distain for unoriginal thought. Regardless, Twain’s upheaval of the hierarchy of traditional Western gender roles transcends time and leaves the reader to contemplate the validity of gender roles. Ursula LeGuin, a published and renowned author of short stories herself, discusses the prevalence of personification of stereotypical gender roles within _Adam and Eve’s Diary_. LeGuin argues that Twain’s personifications of gender stereotypes are the most important aspect of any literally analysis of works by Mark Twain (LeGuin 32). Deviating slightly from the focus of LeGuin’s analysis, the most important purpose of â€Å"Eve’s Diary†to be the paradoxical relationship between men and women. As the journal progresses, so does the connection between Adam and Eve. Although their differences remain vast, Adam and Eve demonstrate a dynamic reliance on one another. They compliment one another in a sense of discord; their stereotypical personas seem to become less obtrusive as they grow together. Through Eve, Adam is humbled and learns to be appreciative and observant of his surroundings. Adam has a similar effect on Eve; her interest in aesthetics diminishes and while she remains optimistic, she is not so dangerously naà ¯ve. The story digresses to forty years later, with Adam at Eve’s grave. Adam’s eulogy for his lifeless wife is ingeniously engineered to resonate with nearly every reader. He says, â€Å"Wheresoever she was, THERE was Eden†(Twain 129). Adam, and therefore the male gender collectively, possessed a magnetic dependence on Eve that was as involuntary as the polar differences between the two. Twain accomplished a feat that the laws of nature could not; through â€Å"Adam and Eve’s Diary,†Twain provides an unprecedented look into why men and women attract in circumstances that should naturally repel them from one another. Works Cited LeGuin, Ursula K. Introduction. The Diaries of Adam and Eve. By Mark Twain. New York: Oxford UP, 1996. XXXI-XLI. Twain, Mark. _Adam and Eve’s Diary_ â€Å"Eve’s Diary, Complete.†Project Gutenburg. 14 June 2004. PDF iBook.
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